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De sojers is a huntin' fer yer, Marse Edwin; dey's all eround us! Hush-sh-sh! said she, as I attempted to rise; 'lie still, honey, dey'll sartainly cotch yer if yer goes out now! Dey's sentinils posted everywhar, and dey'll shoot you down like a dog! My poor Marse Edwin, she wailed, 'why did yer do it? Why did yer do it? Why did yer kill him? He nebber done yer no harm.

"I haven't seen much of English sojers except the Guards in London, and our Marines on board ship, but I know that one of our Guardsmen would lick a whole tentful of the little chaps I see about here; and I would advise the general to stay quietly at home, and not attempt to take our tight little island."

"Bless her rather," the son cried, "for warning us that the sojers is coming. Put your ear to the ground, Mr. Dishart, and you'll hear the dirl o' their feet." The young man rushed away to the square, flinging his father from him. Gavin followed.

Th' sojers who haven't gone away cud come home an' get cured iv th' measles an' th' whoopin'-cough an' th' cholera infantum befure th' public schools opens in th' fall, an' ivrything wud be peaceful an' quiet an' prosp'rous.

There be only t' chief constable and one other, and they wouldn't be no good agin us, and we could get Maister Ned owt and away long afore t' sojers would have toime to wake up and coom round; then we could hide un up on moor till there was toime to get un away across the seas.

He goes to sleep in the middle of the road. When I ketch one of him, I kicks a hole in his trousers first, and then it occurs to me, 'My sufferin' brother! This is too bad! Why, Pete Hillary was one of the dumbdest and leatheriest, and here's the Mayor's pink sojers been fillin' me with joy and sorrow, till I laughed from eleven till twelve, and been sheddin' tears ever since.

The sojers is sure not to be put aboard that night; they'll give 'em a day or two to rest after their journey down the country, not for the sake of the men, sir, but because the officers 'll want it." "Then you think that my plan will do?" asked I. "Yes, sir, I do; I haven't a doubt about it," was the confident answer.

Th' pathrites wint up again a band iv Kansas sojers, that was wanst heroes befure they larned th' hay-foot-sthraw-foot, an' is now arnin' th' wages iv a good harvest hand all th' year ar-round, an' 'd rather fight than ate th' ar-rmy beef, an' ye know what happened.

"If I am not mistaken, the two shy birds that have fled from us are a brace of uncle Sam's eagles." "Sojers?" "In all probability, and `old sojers' at that." "But what 'ud sojers be a doin' out hyar?" "Travelling to California, like ourselves." "Desarters, may be?" "Just what I suspect.

"You men and women o' Thrums," she responded, "ken that I wish you weel by the service I hae done you this nicht. Wha telled you the sojers was coming?" "It was you; it was you!" "Ay, and mony a mile I ran to bring the news, Listen, and I'll tell you mair." "She has a false tongue," Gavin cried; "listen not to the brazen woman."