United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I s'picioned it afore; now I know it for sartain. He's a-goin' to give Eli a mule 'n' a Winchester fer killin' me. We're goin' to s'prise him to-night. He won't be look-in' fer us I've fixed that. I wus jus' about to sen' fer ye. I hain't fergot how ye kin handle a gun." Steve laughed significantly. "Ye're a good frien' o' mine, 'n' I'm goin' to show ye thet I'm a frien' o' yourn."

You will be sorry by and by if you cry and get your eyes all red." "Is there to be a s'prise?" asked Peace in animated curiosity. "Yes, such a splendid one!" "I'm not going to cry, Gail. Those two tears just got loose 'fore I knew it. I will stay in the parlor with Cherry all right, but don't take too long a time eating dinner, and don't forget my drumstick."

"The Yankees have found out Daws is thar in the Gap," he said, "an' they are goin' to slip over before day ter-morrer and s'prise him. Hit don't make no difference to us, which s'prises which does it?"

Them rapscallions took in four hundred and sixty-five dollars in that three nights. I never see money hauled in by the wagon-load like that before. By and by, when they was asleep and snoring, Jim says: "Don't it s'prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck?" "No," I says, "it don't." "Why don't it, Huck?" "Well, it don't, because it's in the breed. I reckon they're all alike,"

Charity, in a blue-and-white checked cotton gown, with a bandanna around her head, was working in her garden beside the house. "Don't speak to her, Cousin Dorcas," whispered Anne. "Let me s'prise her." She jumped lightly out of the buggy and ran to Aunt Charity. "Boo!" she said. Charity dropped her hoe with a scream. "Lawd 'a' mercy!" she exclaimed, backing toward the cabin.

I mak' fire queeck an' cook de breakfas', den you' nose goin' work all right. I got beeg s'prise for dat li'l nose to-day." The top of Rouletta's head, her eyes, then her mouth, came cautiously out from hiding. "What is it, 'Poleon? Something to eat?" "Sapre! What I tol' you?

I guess I got off easy at that, for you can't see your hand in front of your face out on the bay to-night. Stinson almost ran me down with the launch missed me by a couple of feet and that's all." "Stinson? Stinson, d'you say? Don't mean our Stinson in our launch? Not our Stinson in our very own launch, Phil'p? You s'prise me greatly. In the dark like that How do you know?" he challenged.

They look as if their name would be Thropp." Adna made the apologies glad tidings being manifestly out of place. "Hope we 'ain't put you out, daughter. We thought we'd s'prise you. We went to the fact'ry. Man at the door says you wasn't workin' there no more. Give us this address. Right nice place here, ain't it? Looks like a nice class of folks lived here."

Just as they were ready to start, Sary flew out with a paper package carefully held. "Polly, Ah made a s'prise fer you-all, but don't let Choko roll in it er run away, er my work will go fer nuthin'." "Don't worry about Choko, Sary, he's too trustworthy to serve us such a trick," bragged Polly, petting the burro on the head.

"This is a s'prise party, Miz Carter," began Jane Duncannon laughing, "We all brought our work along and can't stay but a minute, but we got an idea an' couldn't keep it till Ladies' Aid. You got a minute to spare? Go get your knitting and set down. Now! It's Miz'Severn's birthday next Sat'day an' we thought 'twould be nice to get her a present. What do you think about it?" Mrs.