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Every hour medicine, all de tam fire in de stove! Sapre! I'm half 'sleep." "We'll set up with her as long as you want," Tom volunteered. "Being a family man myself, I'm a regular nurse." "Me, too," Jerry exclaimed. "I never had no family, but I allus been handy around hosses, and hosses is the same as people, only bigger " Mr. Linton stifled a laugh at this remark. "That'll show you!" said he.

Doret became even more embarrassed than the Lieutenant at this show of gratitude, and grunted churlishly. But when the young man had gone he turned to Gale, who had watched them silently, and said: "He's nice young feller, ole man. Sapre! Wen he's mad his eye got so red lak' my ondershirt." But the trader made no reply.

She had a touch of the vixen an impetuous, loving, forceful mademoiselle, in marked contrast to the rather ascetic Francois, whose ways were more refined than his origin might seem to warrant. "Sapre!" said Duclosse the mealman of the monument; "it's like a timber of cheese stuck up. What's that to make a fuss about?"

P'tite Louison, she get ready quick- sapre, what fine things had she and it is all to be done in a week, while the theatre in New York wait for M'sieu'. He sit there with us, and play on the fiddle, and sing songs, and act plays, and help Florian in the barn, and Octave to mend the fence, and the Cure to fix the grape- vines on his wall.

She had a touch of the vixen an impetuous, loving, forceful mademoiselle, in marked contrast to the rather ascetic Francois, whose ways were more refined than his origin might seem to warrant. "Sapre!" said Duclosse the mealman of the monument; "it's like a timber of cheese stuck up. What's that to make a fuss about?"

"Nonsense!" she said, briskly. "You know very well you haven't prospected your claim for what it's worth. You haven't had time." "I don' got to prospec' him," 'Poleon asserted. "Dat's good t'ing 'bout dat claim. Some Swede fellers above me cross-cut de whole dam' creek an' don' fin' so much as one color. Sapre! Dat's fonny creek. She 'ain't got no gravel."

"Sapre! that P'tite Louison get pale like snow, and we all stan' roun' her close and say to her quick, 'Courage, P'tite Louison! M'sieu' Hadrian then look at the priest and say: 'No, M'sieu', I was married ten years ago; my wife drink and go wrong, and I get divorce. I am free like the wind. "'You are not free, the Cure say quick. 'Once married, married till death.

No need to ask if you're well; you're prettier than ever, and some folks would call that impossible." Jerry nodded in vigorous agreement. "You're as sweet as a bunch of jessamine, Letty. Why, you're like a breath of spring! What brought you out to see us, anyhow?" "Dat's long story," 'Poleon answered. "Sapre! We got plenty talkin' to do.

"Sapre! that P'tite Louison get pale like snow, and we all stan' roun' her close and say to her quick, 'Courage, P'tite Louison! M'sieu' Hadrian then look at the priest and say: 'No, M'sieu', I was married ten years ago; my wife drink and go wrong, and I get divorce. I am free like the wind. "'You are not free, the Cure say quick. 'Once married, married till death.

My Lord! that's generous! You're a princely fellow, Doret, but the most you can give me is a job. Work? Yes, I'll eat that up." "All right. We talk 'bout dat 'noder tam. Now, mebbe so she lak hear de lates' news from you. Dere's plenty for tellin' her 'bout Joe McCaskey an' all de res'. You can spoke now, lak hones' man. Sapre! Don' you s'pose she's waitin' to hear you say you love her?