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There's pul-lenty in th' pup-paddick." "Could n't you shut up and hold your tongue and clear out of this, you brat?" Dad roared. And Joe hung his head and shut up. "Well, y' know" Dave drawled "there's that colt wot Maloney offered us before to quieten. Could get 'im. 'E's a big lump of a 'orse if y' could do anythin' with 'im. THEY gave 'im best themselves." Dad's eyes shone.

'I don't understand it all, said Bell, in a hurried and perplexed tone. 'What has Kester been saying, my lass? she added, turning to Sylvia. Sylvia went a step or two nearer to her mother, and took hold of her hand as if to quieten her; then facing once more round, she said deliberately to Kester, 'If thou wasn't Kester, I'd niver forgive thee.

I made then that I quieten my breath, which did yet come very full and laboured; and I put mine ear above the heart of the Maid, and lo! her heart did beat, and the horridness of my fear went from me in a moment.

These fellows will quieten down presently, and will then be more likely to hear any noise we may make." Looking about, they went down by the stairs leading to the courtyard and walked carelessly across.

That frightened Jack, and he told me to lose no time in telling you of it." "That's all right; but Beardsley will not trouble you. We've written letters to him and Shelby and all the rest telling them that if they don't stop persecuting Union folks we'll burn everything they've got; and if that don't quieten them, we'll hang the last one of them to the plates of their own galleries.

This was foolish, and Lambert acknowledged that it was foolish, but at the same time he added inwardly that he was a man and not an angel, a sinner and not a saint, so that there were limits, etc., etc., etc., using impossible arguments to quieten a lively conscience that did not approve of this dangerous philandering.

"But I will stay," said the doctor, after he had examined his patient; "as much on her account as his! and partly to quieten the fears of this poor, faithful fellow." Out of Darkness into Light The third night after this was to be the crisis the turning-point between Life and Death. Mr Davis came again to pass it by the bedside of the sufferer.

She shivered a little with youth's instinctive dread of the time when age shall quieten the bounding pulses, slowly but surely taking the savour out of things. She wanted to live first, to gather up the joy of life with both hands. . . . Her thoughts were suddenly scattered by the sound of the opening door and the sight of Mrs. Seymour's inquiring face peeping round it. "Awake?" queried Kitty.

I guessed what had happened then Parslett, to quieten him for the moment, had been put off with fifty pounds in gold, and promised more and he had also been skilfully poisoned in such a fashion that he would get safely away from the premises but die before he got home. And when he was safe away, Chang Li had murdered Chen Li, and made off.

Th' chambermaid said she would like t' have it t' sleep wi' her, only missis would scold so; but it looked so quiet and smiling like, as it lay in her arms, that we thought 't would be no trouble to have it wi' us. I says: 'See, Jennings, how women folk do quieten babbies; it's just as I said. He looked grave; he were always thoughtful-looking, though I never heard him say anything very deep.