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Well, by and by Lonesome Huckleberries' shanty hove in sight, and I was glad to see it, although I had to answer a million questions about Lonesome and his history. I told the Todds that, so fur as nationality was concerned he was a little of everything, like a picked-up dinner; principally Eyetalian and Portugee, I cal'late, with a streak of Gay Head Injun.

"One of the boys is loony on a gal at Bismarck that he ain't writ to for a year. She's Portugee " Matthews gave a dismissing wave of the hand. "I savvy English and most Injun," he said; "none of them fancy languages, though. I been to school only a week in my hull life. That was down in Omyha, and one week was plenty." At the remembrance, he shook with silent laughter.

Captain Blokes, the Doctor, and Self went ashore to Angre de Keys, as it is called in Sea-Draughts; but, as the Portugee call it, Nostra Senora de la Concepcion, a small village about three leagues distant, to wait on the Governor, and make him a present of Butter and Cheese.

Easy now, 'Sary Ann'! Ketch hold of that rope, younker, and steady the sail a bit. So thar, we're over the shoals. "Them big fellows give us the go by now, though time was when they used to come from far and near; all kinds Spanish, Portugee, East Indian. Them was the whaling days, when Beach Cliff was one of the greatest places on the coast. She stands out so far she hed the first bite at things.

"Him one Eboe man," he answered, "employed by dem Portugee to cook for and look after dem captain's house. He lib for die, one time now; and 'cause I been good to him, and gib him plenty drink when he thirsty, he tell me to-day one t'ing dat I t'ink de captain be glad to know.

I interrupted, to cut short his flow of fine language. Somers at his special request." But Mr. Somers and I, being very much awake, came out of the cabin and he sat upon the capstan with a revolver in his hand, saying well, sir, I will not repeat what he said." "No, don't. What happened then?" "Then, sir, there followed much noise and confusion. The Portugee and the Arabs threatened Mr.

Of course, I don't know how it's going to work out, seeing as one of 'em is Spanish, one of 'em Portugee and the other a full-blooded Indian, but they're all healthy." "It's very noble of you, Andrew," said the Captain, laying his hand on the First Officer's shoulder. "Absolutely not," snapped Mr. Mott. "It's nothing but plain, rotten selfishness on my part, and I don't give a damn who knows it."

And Dan, whose only safe deposit for boyish treasures was his jacket pocket, pulled out the gift that Freddy had refused, and showed it to this new acquaintance, who, holding it off in his horny hand, blinked at it with practised eye. "Portugee or Spanish, I don't know which it says on that thar rim. Thar ain't much of it silver. I'd have to rub it up to be sure of the rest.

Tell me those hands belong to a blighted Portugee manual labourist and I won't call you a liar, but I'll say you an' the Admiralty are pretty much unique in your statements. 'Op was always a fastidious joker in his language as much as anything else. He pursued 'is investigations with the eye of an 'awk outside the galley.

The indunas tell me that the good-looking Portugee, whom they call 'Two-faces, asks the king to kill you every time he sees him. Indeed, I've heard him myself." "That's kind of him," I answered, "but, then, Hernan Pereira and I never got on. Tell me what is he talking about to the king when he isn't asking him to kill me." "Don't know," he said again. "Something dirty, I'll be bound.