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That is why so few of us Portugee men ever are drowned." "You're a Roman Catholic, then?" "I am a Madeira man. I am not a Porto Pico boy. Shall I be Baptist, then? Eh, wha-at? I always give candles two, three more when I come to Gloucester. The good Virgin she never forgets me, Manuel."

But he still held the hilt of his sword, and with it he sprang straight at Xavier, who rushed to meet him. They met with a dull shock as bull meets bull. Leonard struck one blow with the broken sword-hilt, then dropped it it was useless. But the stroke did him good service, for, falling on the right hand of the Portugee, it paralysed his arm for a second, causing him to let fall the dagger.

They were the men who carried or dragged the trimmed tree-trunks from the forest to the camp site, where they were subsequently hewn into shape for structural purposes by the more skilful handlers of ax and wedge and saw. A certain man named Manuel Crust was the fore-man of this gang. He was a swarthy, powerful "Portugee" who was on his way to Rio to kill the pal who had run away with his wife.

We talked together for a while, for he could speak broken English, and I understood a little Portugee, and he told me that his name was José Silvestre, and that he had a place near Delagoa Bay. When he went on next day with his half-breed companion, he said 'Good-bye, taking off his hat quite in the old style.