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"He tole me to keep away from dem toys! But I sneaks up when he isn't lookin', an' I gits de bestest toy ob all! Golly! I's smarter dan a p'liceman, I is!" Jeff grinned, showing two rows of white teeth in his black face. Indeed, Jeff's teeth were the only clean things about him, it seemed. At least they were white, though I can not say that he ever used a tooth brush.

A burst of light laughter reached the men by the camp fire and Jean Bènard looked round. "What ees ze saying of your countrymen, p'liceman? 'Youth eet veel be served! It veel snatch eet's happiness from zee jaws of death, eetself." "Yes! And these two deserve the happiness they will get!"

"I could tell him anywheres in a moment." "Fenleigh, were you at the fair last night?" "Yes, sir." "What were you doing there? You know my orders?" The boy was silent. "I can tell you what he was doing," interrupted the man. "He knocked over one of my lamps and set my screen afire; and a'ter that he started fightin', and I was obliged to fetch a p'liceman.

Yer mean I've got ter marry Ada?" The old woman left the fire and stood in front of him. "Not a bit, Joe. I've give up that idea. Marriage wouldn't suit yous. Your dart is ter be King of the Push, an' knock about the streets with a lot of mudlarks as can't look a p'liceman straight in the face.

"And you stood there and let him? you born idiot. Which way is he gone?" "I don't know," said the waiter angrily, "I ain't a p'liceman. None but respectable gents comes here, as don't want watching." Alfred darted out and scoured the town; he asked everybody if they had seen a tall gentleman dressed like a common sailor.

"Do you want to see 'em, too? just a glimpse, mother! Come! We'll play the game together!" And the next moment, silk coverlet and all, Gwendolyn was swung up in his arms and borne to the window-seat. "And, oh, there's the P'liceman!" she cried out. "His name is Flynn," informed her father. "And twice this morning he's asked after you." "Oh!" she stood up among the cushions to get a better view.

"Do you think I can find another near here?" "You oughter pick one up easy in the street up there," said the chauffeur. "Plenty of 'em about 'ere. Even if you shouldn't, miss, you can get a tram down to the docks any p'liceman 'll direct you. You could walk it, if you liked you've loads of time." He touched his cap as she paid him. "Very sorry to let you down like this, miss it ain't my fault.

"Last night I dreamed and dreamed. She was laughing and happy and wasn't cryin' any more." "Oh! Maybe she knows ol' Cousin Dink is gone off an' lef' us. I reckon that would make her smile," suggested Peter. "I wisht I could dream 'bout her an' Daddy. One time I did dream 'bout him before we come here to live but I thought that time he was a p'liceman an' was gonter git us."

The group had been added to by curious passers-by husky miners, mountaineers, and frontiersmen, sons of the long-legged and broad-shouldered generations. Imber glanced from one to another, then he spoke aloud in the Whitefish tongue. "What did he say?" asked Dickensen. "Him say um all the same one man, dat p'liceman," Jimmy interpreted.

She now turned to the policeman, who had written some further items in his book and was now putting it into his pocket, and said, "You needn't bother, Mister P'liceman, to find 'em. I'll take Bonny Angel home my own self." "Hey? What? Do know where she belongs, after all? You been fooling me with your talk?" he asked quickly, and now with face becoming very stern indeed.