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'Meester Purdy, nevaire, nevaire come to eat in thees place again. She stayed with it too!" "Good for her!" said Mrs. Tiffany, reaching for her crewel work. "Oh, yes," responded Mr. Chester in the uncertain tone of one who gives assent for politeness without knowing exactly why.

"Vat for you tink Pat Kilrea an' McIntosh, an' Prouty an' Kerrigan and more, an' also vomans is goin' up dere to de Falls? Dey say go visitin'. Dey don't nevaire go make visits before dat vay. An' dey h'ask me all 'bout de demoiselle, de gal vat is up dere, an' I see Mis' Kilrea an' Kerrigan's voman look one de oder in de face. Look mean lak' de devil, dem vomans!

"Hillo!" was the response from the other craft, indubitably the brig which we had fallen in with shortly after our first look into the Congo, and which we had been given to understand was the Vestale, French gun- brig. "Have you sighted a sail of any kind to-day?" hailed Austin. "Non, mon Dieu! We have not nevaire seen a sail until now since we leave Sierra Leone four weeks ago."

Evidently his appearance frightened her or had her acting reached this point of extreme finish? "I had nevaire the chance to put them back. And and they belong to monsieur. They are his all his and so beautiful! Ah, just like poetry." "I don't consider them mine. I haven't a particle of confidence in you or in your story.

Harper." "Why not Mr. Van Reypen?" said Patty, mischievously. "Me deadly rival! never! nevaire! how could you cruelly suggest it?" "I didn't mean it. Forget it," and Patty smiled at him. "All right, it's forgotten, but don't EVER let such a thing occur again!" And then Mr. Cameron reluctantly took himself off. Somehow or other Mr.

I dreams of her images in my exiles! When I learns at my acadamies ze young ladees, ze beautifool Eenglish mees, I tinks of ma belle Marie, her figure, and her face angelique, wheech I sail nevaire forgets no, nevaire! And I says to myselfs, `Ah! she ees more beautifools dan dese! Mais, mon ami, I was deceives by her all dat time.

Zee good breakfast is what you say 'indispensable' to break zee day. Zee good stories, zee camaraderie, zee good kind wine enfin tout! But" and again he leaned nearer "but not zee ladies nevaire only zee memories." I repeat, it was nice of the Baron to think of me.

You 'ave nevaire done any dricks mit carts no? Bot you vill dry? You nevaire dell vat you gan do till you dry, as ze ole sow said ven she learn ze halphabet. Ah, zat is somtings alretty! Now I vill ask you to choose any cart or carts out of zis back. The Man in Evening Dress. I remember giving BIMBO, the Wizard of the West, a guinea once to teach me that trick there was nothing in it.

Somehow the note on the desk did not seem to fit any one of the gentry whom I could see so distinctly from my window. The name, too, did not have the customary Tombs sound De Nevers? De Nevaire I repeated it slowly to myself with varying accent. It seemed as though I had known the name before.

"I nevaire hear you talk that way before. Ees eet the babee? That must be the trouble, Ephraim you worree about the babee." "Thutteration! I don't believe I've thought of the baby in twenty-four hours." "Oo, how could you be so cruel not to theenk of the babee?" murmured his wife. "I theenk of eet efry hour. I hope you are not going to be seek, Ephraim."