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"Indeed, dearest, it is no scene for little girls to look upon." "And when I am grown up what shall I have to talk about if I miss all the great sights?" "Come to your room, love. You will see only too much from your windows. I am going to your mother." "Ce n'est pas la peine. She is in one of her tempers, and has locked herself in." "No matter. She will see me." "Je m'en doute.

It is more in your line; you still have faith in it." "Oh, I do," she rejoined quickly; "and so would you if you were in love. You'd be content to be on a rock in the mid ocean if she were there." "Love on a desert island," returned the young man, smiling significantly; "Oh, le premier jour, c'est bon; le deuxieme jour, ce n'est pas si bon; le troisieme jour mon Dieu, mais comment on s'ennuie!"

All's well that ends well, and here we are once more in Srinagar, after a trip which has been really delightful, albeit the weather latterly has not been by any means all that could have been desired, and we have slain no bears! Commonly called the "Jungly-sahib." Can it be that Bernier was right? "Il ne s'y trouve ni serpens, ni tigres, ni ours, ni lions, si ce n'est très rarement."

For two nights and three days, Madame, he has been down there at Alost and Termonde under shell-fire. Mais un enfer, Madame! You would have thought he had been born under fire, your husband. Ce n'est pas un homme, c'est un salamandre. Bullets mitrailleuse shrapnel it is no more to him than to go out in a shower of rain.

During 1795 many distinguished exiles came to this new-country home, and among those who found their way to Otsego Hall was the Marquis de Talleyrand, who was pleased to write an acrostic on Miss Cooper, then seventeen. The famous Frenchman's record, in part, of this visit was "Otsego n'est pas gai." Compared to the France of Talleyrand's day this record was true.

'L'homme avance dans l'exécution d'un plan qu'il n'a point conçu, qu'il ne connoit même pas; il est l'ouvrier intelligent et libre d'une oeuvre qui n'est pas la sienne; il ne la reconnoit, ne la comprend que plus tard, lorsqu'elle se manifeste au dehors et dans les realités, et même alors il ne la comprend que très incomplètement."

'My doctor tells me my lungs are soon to be re-established; so you may imagine yourself how glad I am, and of more courage in my future. You may one day see your Varjo in Amerique, if I study commerce as I wish. So then the last time of seeing ourselves is not the last. Is that to please you? I suppose the grand histoire is finished, n'est ce pas?

On ne peut pas encore juger du degre d'exactitude avec laquelle elle a ete faite, parce que le citoyen Baudin n'a envoye qu'une partie de la carte qu'il en a dressee, et que cette carte meme n'est qu'une premiere esquisse.

" Non, ce n'est qu'une etoile, Vole, mon coeur, vole! Non, ce n'est qu'une etoile Qu' eclaire nos amours!" The last word rolled out through its passionate throat tones and died into silence. "Come!" repeated the man again, this time almost in the accents of command. She turned slowly and went to him, her eyes childlike and frightened, her lips wide, her face pale.

I knew myself but a fop, but where he was outcast I could please. Now I know acted as if wishful and resolute to win and conquer. Ginevra seconded me; between us we half- changed the nature of the role, gilding it from top to toe. Between the acts M. Paul, told us he knew not what possessed us, and half expostulated. "C'est peut-etre plus beau que votre modele," said he, "mais ce n'est pas juste."