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If you had wanted me greatly, you would have pressed the claim you had in saving Mopsy, and I should have forgiven you that; you would have urged any and every claim. As it is, I suppose I am pretty" her lips curled scornfully "and you find that some of your ideas and mine agree. It isn't half enough! Shall I tell you that you are scarcely moved as yet?"

They followed it downward, splashing through water part of the time, and at length came into sight of a cluster of little houses standing between a river and a big fir wood. "It must be getting on toward evening. Mopsy and Carroll probably went down the ridge, and as it runs out lower down the valley, they'll be almost at home." "It's six o'clock," replied Vane, glancing at his watch.

"Mopsy Midget!" she exclaimed. "I'll tell you the very thing! Let's go down the well, and get cooled off!" "How can we?" said Marjorie, who was quite ready to go, but couldn't see her way clear as to the means of transportation. "Why, as easy as anything! You go down in one bucket, and I'll go down in the other." "We can't get in these buckets."

I've seen him smile when I talked to him." "I'm not astonished at that, Mabel," laughed Vane. His companion looked up at him. "My name's not Mabel to you. I'm Mopsy to the family, but my special friends call me Mops. You're one of the few people one can be natural with, and I'm getting sick you won't be shocked of having to be the opposite. If you'll come along, I'll show you the setter puppies."

"Yes, Father, she does; she understands the case, and she's always trying to make Delight less selfish." "And perhaps, I hate to suggest it, but possibly Miss Mopsy Maynard might have some little tiny speck of a fault, just a microscopic flaw in her character " "Now, Father, don't tease! I know I have!

Maynard were somewhat shaken by the children's tragedy, but neither thought it wise to show it. "Now, Mopsy Moppet," said her father, "what do you think I have here?" He took a parcel from the mantel, and held it up. "I don't know," said Midge, trying to smile; "what is it?" "Well, it's a game, a brand new game, and none of your poky old go-to-sleep affairs either.

That's why I want Mopsy and Ted and Silver Tail. It wouldn't be so lonesome. But they can stay at home if Lucy comes." "Poor Minnie," said her father, laughing with the rest at the child's aggrieved tone. "We must do all we can to persuade them, then, to spare you the necessity of frightening the cats out of their wits."

"Kit's my bestest birthday present," declared Marjorie, as they sat together in the veranda swing the morning after the party. Kitty pulled her sister's curls in absent-minded affection, and remarked, thoughtfully: "Mopsy, I don't seem to care much for that red-headed Hester girl." "She's a queer thing," Marjorie returned, "but I sort of like her, too.

Mopsy is really a heavyweight, you know. And there's not a very big surf on now." "That's so, King. But where can she be?" Then they went and talked with the fishermen, and then on to the Life-saving Station. The big, good-hearted men all knew Marjorie, and all declared she had not been on the beach that afternoon, at least, not within their particular locality.

Now, I'll sweep, Mopsy, and you find something that'll do for a duster, and we'll straighten up the place in less than no time." Molly was a brave little housekeeper, and though Marjorie knew less about it, she was an apt pupil, and the whole performance seemed great fun. In less than an hour the two girls had quite transformed the room.