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The words seemed to come from the lips of the waxen man, and struck the crowd with astonishment. "I would tell you vat you vants to know," he added, "but I pees von stranger in dose barts mineself." Then the woman seemed to speak: "Come to de dable, mine frient, and eat somedings mit us."

I sink mine hussbandt never be satisfied viss a vorld not full of vorms and bugs; and I am glad to stay alvays viss mine hussbandt." "And I reckon he thinks you're big enough world for him, just yourself, doesn't he?" "No." She seemed to speak more than half to herself. "A man see se lightening! a man who can be satisfied viss a vorld no bigger as I can by mineself gif him mine Kott!

"We can jump in the river and drowns mit, ourselves; won't dey be fooled!" "Perhaps they would be disappointed; but I don't see where we are likely to gain anything." "I doesn't see hims mineself," grinned Otto, whose whims led him to be amusing during the most trying moments, as well as grave when others were light-hearted.

Hans Wyker had managed skillfully when he pulled the prospective county seat of Wolf county up Big Wolf Creek to Wykerton, a town he hoped to build after his own ideals. And his ideals had only one symbol, namely, the dollar sign. Hans had congratulated himself not a little over his success. "I done it all mineself," he was wont to boast.

"Now," said he, as he lay resting on his elbows with the rifle laid ready to hand and the revolver beside it; "now, I know not vezer you can smell or not, but I have buried mineself in eart', vich is a non-conductor of smell. Ve shall see!" It soon became very dark, for there was no moon, yet not so dark but that the form of the goat could be seen distinctly reflected in the pond.

It is possible that the creature out on deck generates the invisible light, and can see by it. "'But what does it all amount to? I asked impatiently. "'I haf told you, he answered calmly. 'Der creature may live in an atmosphere of ultraviolet light, which I can generate mineself. When mine plates dry, und it clears off so I can see what I am doing, I may get a picture of it.

You must have dreamed at your Sybeel understand?" was Newman's prompt reply. It took a moment to filter into the squarehead's mind. But he got it. "So ja, it ban dream; I see noddings," he said. "And you say nothing?" "Ja, even to mineself I say noddings," promised Lindquist. At the foc'sle door, Newman placed a detaining hand upon my shoulder and held me back.

"Go on," said Orde grimly. "Dere is no go on. Dot is all." "Why do you come to tell me now?" "Because for more than one year now I say to mineself, 'Carl Heinzman, you vas one dirty scoundrel. You vas dishonest; a sneak; a thief'; I don't like to call myself names like dose. It iss all righdt to be smart; but to be a thief!" "Why didn't you pull out?" asked Orde.

Vunce more I schmell ze mountain dew I hear ze pipes I gaze into loffly eyes I am ze noblest part of mineself! Bonker, I vill defy ze mozzer of my wife! I drink to you, my friend, mit hip hip hip hooray!" "You have more than repaid me," replied the Count, "by the spectacle you have provided. Dear Baron, it was a panorama calculated to convert a continent!"

"I'm not hankering to be the man that lays hands on you while he's around," Pete announced conclusively, nodding his head toward Buck. "Py Jingo!" was Hans's contribution. "Not mineself either." It was at Circle City, ere the year was out, that Pete's apprehensions were realized.