United States or Netherlands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She wore a plain path across the unpaved street to our house, and another to our neighbor's. "Sat iss a too great risk," she compassionately maintained, "to leaf even in se daytime sose shiltren so late sick alone viss only mine hussbandt and se sairvants!" The doctor was concerned for Mrs. Fontenette from the beginning.

I sink mine hussbandt never be satisfied viss a vorld not full of vorms and bugs; and I am glad to stay alvays viss mine hussbandt." "And I reckon he thinks you're big enough world for him, just yourself, doesn't he?" "No." She seemed to speak more than half to herself. "A man see se lightening! a man who can be satisfied viss a vorld no bigger as I can by mineself gif him mine Kott!

'vonce in a vhile your Rudolph going to see a voman he better had married san you. Sen he going to fall a little vay maybe a good vay in love viss her; and sen if Rudolph iss a scoundtrel, or if you iss a fool, sare be trouble.

"No," said the unruffled speaker, "I chust said I vill come; yes; to show her a new vay to remoof, remoof? is sat English? So? A new vay to remoof old stains." "A new way " responded Fontenette, with an air of gravest interest in all matters of laundry. "Yes," she repeated, as simply as a babe, "a new vay; and I sought I come now so to go home viss mine hussbandt."

I vould not haf such a man! See se lightening! but I sink sare vill be no storm; sare is no sunder viss se ligh' Ah! sare are se trhuants!" We rose to meet them. First came the children, vaunting their fatigue, then a black maid or two, with twice their share of baskets, and then our three spouses; the Baron came last and was mute.

"I bet he home in bed by viss time!" Verman roared with delight, appearing to be wholly unconscious that the lids of his right eye were swollen shut and that his attire, not too finical before the struggle, now entitled him to unquestioned rank as a sansculotte. Herman was a similar ruin, and gave as little heed to his condition. Penrod looked dazedly from Herman to Verman and back again.

Since then we have learned to count it one of our dearest rights to get "put out" at Senda's outrageous reasonableness, but she doesn't fret, for "sare is neveh any sundeh viss se lightening." The issue of this first contest was decided the next day by Fontenette, still on his bed of convalescence. "Can I raise enough money in yo' office to go at France?"