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Grasping her by the hand, he added warmly: "An' happiness." "I'll tell Bud you're here," cried Polly over her shoulder. Buck looked after the girl as she swung across the prairie to find Bud. "She's a darned fine leetle gal, she is," mused Buck. "Seein' Bud so happy, kinder makes me homesick. Things is gettin' too warm for me here, anyway.

She had felt terribly alone in Boise. But her chilled soul was beginning to feel the warmth of friendship in these two half-savage servants. Even without Ward, her home-coming was not absolutely cheerless, after all. "Well, we make out to keep things going," John announced pridefully. "We got leetle bad luck, not much. One heifer, she die blackleg. Four pigs, they froze leetle fellers.

"Well, they hain't closed all the trades yit," he said, "an' they mought not go mebbe afore spring. The Falins say they air done now. Uncle Judd don't believe 'em, but I do, an' I'm thinkin' I won't go. I've got a leetle money, an' I want to know if I can't buy back Uncle Judd's house an' a leetle ground around it.

They did their work methodically, systematically. It was a sight to make the angels weep. As I left the ruined cathedral I met a couple of French poilus, and tried to talk with them. But they spoke "very leetle" English, and I fired all my French words at them in one sentence. "Oui, oui, madame," I said. "Encore pomme du terre. Fini!" They laughed, but we did no get far with our talk!

"Because I have heard her many times say, 'Bon-bon bonbon bonbon' which means candee; and always I have given her candee, an' now ze leetle Melisse say 'Bonbon' all of ze time." "Well," said Cummins, eying him in half belief. "Could it happen?" Like a shot Jan replied: "I began in Engleesh, an' Jan Thoreau is French!" He began playing, but Cummins did not hear much of the music.

'You go back in yourself, you see? 'Non; das so, sure nuff. Ah! as if a light broke in upon him 'you go in your own self. You make one leetle prayer. You say, "Le bon Fadder, oh! I want come back, I so tire, so hongree, so sorree"? He, say, "Come right 'long." Ah! das fuss-rate. Nelson, you make one leetle prayer for Sandy and me.

"Well, hit's all too damn plain an' hit would 'pear ter signify that Alexander sought ter shake off two fellers thet didn't low ter be shook off. Right hyar they all stopped, an' parleyed some." "Why?" "Because three mules stood hyar fer a leetle spell ye kin see whar they stomped, an' movin' mules don't stomp twice or thrice over ther same spot.

"Nonsense! nonsense!" returned the expressman, reddening a little, yet man enough to accept personal criticism when he was so prone to criticizing other people. "What leetle I drink ain't never goin' ter hurt me." "Nor anybody else?" asked Janice, softly, for she liked Walky and was sorry to see him go wrong. "How about your example, Walky?" "Shucks!

Lowering her stick again to the floor, Mother Moll rested her weight upon its crooked handle and for a time muttered over the pot with raven hoarseness. "Ye think ye're smart, but ye ain't as smart as ye think ye air. The leetle man sets on yer head " The hag paused, cracked forth a gurgling scream, then proceeded.

There!" she added, as the salve was pressed gently down over the torn flesh, and heaving a deep sigh, "if you feel half as sick as I do, just looking at it, you will do well to get ready to lie down." "Thankee, ma'am. It's worth a man's while to git hurt a leetle, ef he has a lady to take care o' him," answered Chillis, gallantly. "But I can't accept your kindness any furder to-night.