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"He can still bang his cymbals, and he can jiggle both his arms and the leg that isn't broken." Sidney punched the Clown in the chest, and the red and yellow fellow clapped his hands together and made the cymbals tinkle. Then Sidney pulled the strings and the two arms of the Clown went up and down, and one leg kicked out as nicely as you please. But the other leg did not move.

They jiggle the life out of one " but he was obliged to unbend himself perceptibly in order to keep pace with her as she hurried through the door. The Honorable Penelope allowed her indolent gaze to follow them. A perplexed pucker finally developed on her fair brow and her thought was almost expressed aloud: "By Jove, I wonder if she really loves him." Penelope was very pretty and very bright.

"Sometimes it is very difficult to wake them after two o'clock A.M. Just jiggle it if she doesn't respond at once. Seems that jiggling wakes them when nothing else will." Mr. Yollop, very tall and spare in his pajamas, stood behind the burly Mr. Smilk, the dangling disc almost touching the latter's hunched up shoulders. "This is a devil of a note," quoth Mr. Smilk, taking down the receiver.

Brooks, setting a chair straight; "and by and by the leds began to draw together, and she couldn't keep 'em open; and there was such a pain in her eyes, too, that I had to be up nights, bathing 'em in all kinds of messes." "Don't her nose jiggle?" whispered Fly to Horace. "Of course you took her to a good physician?" "Well, yes; we thought he was good.

"I guess the pony'll be awful glad to get a drink," said Jan to her brother. "I guess he will," he answered, as he walked along looking carefully where he put down his feet, for he did not want to stumble and spill the water in his hat. "Look out!" exclaimed Janet, as her brother came too close to her. "If you bump against me and make my arm jiggle you'll spill my hatful."

He sprang forward and offered his aid to the nurses. If he was clumsy in his attempt to jiggle a chair into position, an explanation may be instantly provided. Miss Fairweather, after a brief stare of indecision, favoured him with an almost imperceptible smile. He happened to be in the act of pushing a high- chair under the wriggling person of Imogene.

You give me police " "Tell her I've got you surrounded," whispered Mr. Yollop. "Hello! Hell lo! Central!" "Jiggle it." "Ah, Mademoiselle! Pardon my " Voice at the other end of the wire: "Ring off! You've got wrong number. This is police headquarters." Audible sound of distant receiver being slapped upon its hook. "Gee whiz! Now, we're up against it, Mister.

Call her Madamoiselle. That always gets them. Makes 'em think if they keep their ears open they'll hear something spicy." "They general fall for dearie," said Mr. Smilk, taking down the receiver. "Be good enough to remember that you are calling from my apartment," said Mr. Yollop severely. "Jiggle it." Mr. Smilk jiggled it. "I guess she's still mad." "Jiggle it slowly, tenderly, caressingly.

Can't you jiggle the cradle, Limpy-toes, while you finish digging out the dish?" Mother Graymouse looked very sober when she came home. She took a cracker and some stale cake crumbs from her pocket. "This is all I could get to-night, my dears," she explained sadly. "That wicked Thomas Cat is prowling about and I had to be careful.

"Please don't do that," begged the monkey. "I never was any good at guessing riddles. Can't you do anything else?" "Yes, a few things," the Clown said. Then he banged his cymbals together and began to jiggle his arms and legs in such a funny way that the monkey who was holding him laughed and laughed and laughed. "Oh, you are too funny for anything!" cried the monkey. "I'm glad I picked you up.