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Finally, I avowed my knowledge of all the disappointment her heart had experienced by Frank's inconstancy. know you feel, to-night, I said, 'that existence is an imposture worse than the meanest jiggle. So do I. The only thing that can render it a reality is love. I intended to say to you, let us end it.

Now cover them up good and warm, Mary Jane," he added as he set the third bunny into the basket, "and we'll hurry off home." He let her carry the basket every bit of the way, and she was careful, oh, so very careful, not to jiggle the bunnies as she walked.

"In fact, I'm quite stylish. I'm almost as gay as some of the clowns." And his head bobbed slowly up and down, for it was fastened so that the least jar or jiggle would move it. "I must be very careful," said the Nodding Donkey to himself. "I must not move about too much nor let any of the other toys rub against me until I am quite dry.

"Makin' a guy telephone to the police to come and arrest him." "I wish I had thought to close that window while you were hors de combat," complained Mr. Yollop shivering. "I'll probably catch my death of cold standing around here with almost nothing on. That wind comes straight from the North Pole. Doesn't she answer?" "No." "Jiggle it." "I did jiggle it." "What?" "I said I jiggled it."

Nothing wrong when some of your husbands spend more of their time with other women than with you? Nothing wrong with jazz where the lights go out in the dance hall and the dancers jiggle and toddle and wiggle in a frenzy? Nothing wrong in a country where the greatest college cannot report birth of one child to each graduate in ten years?

He snapped the aerial switch into sending, began to "jiggle" the key alphabetically, and the spark leaped with successive spits across the gap. "Cub's got his goat back," Hal remarked with a knowing look at Bud. The latter grinned and nodded his concurrence. Mathematics or Geography? But the morning proved to be a poor time for communication by radio for two reasons.

They describe the apparatus, and think they have described the event. Fire may be accompanied by combustion, but combustion is not necessarily accompanied by fire. All A is B, but all B is not A. And therefore fire, no matter how you jiggle, is not identical with combustion. Fire. FIRE. I insist on the absolute word. You may say that fire is a sum of various phenomena. I say it isn't.