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The picture one of the most powerful that has ever appeared, even in this remarkable mirror of the times was entitled, 'General Février turned Traitor, and underneath was the dead Emperor's cruel boast, 'Russia has two generals on whom she can confide Generals Janvier and Février. Prior to the resignation of the Peelites the second Congress of Vienna assembled, and Lord John Russell attended it as a plenipotentiary for England; and France, Austria, Turkey, and Russia were also represented.

Thomas A. Janvier she and her husband being among the earliest confidants of his secret he makes this interesting statement: "I can write out of my heart in a way I could not do as William Sharp, and indeed I could not do so if I were the woman Fiona Macleod is supposed to be, unless veiled in scrupulous anonymity.... This rapt sense of oneness with nature, this cosmic ecstasy and elation, this wayfaring along the extreme verges of the common world, all this is so wrought up with the romance of life that I could not bring myself to expression by my outer self, insistent and tyrannical as that need is.... My truest self, the self who is below all other selves, and my most intimate life and joys and sufferings, thoughts, emotions, and dreams, must find expression, yet I cannot save in this hidden way...."

M. Janvier wept as he said the prayers; there were no dry eyes among the crowd. And so we buried him. "As night came on the people dispersed, carrying sorrow and mourning everywhere with them.

Great Britain, according to Tardieu, tends now also to stand aside. The English are inclined to say, "N'en parlons plus" (p. 493). No Frenchman will accept with calm the manner in which Lloyd George has conceived the execution of the peace treaty. The campaign for the revision of the treaties sprang up in lower spheres and from popular associations and workmen's groups, has surprised and saddened the French spirit (p. 495). In the new developments "était-ce une autre Angleterre, était-ce un autre Lloyd George?" (p. 496). Even in France herself Tardieu recognizes sadly the language has altered: "les gouvernements français, qui se sont succédé au pouvoir depuis le 10 janvier, 1920," that is, after the fall of Clemenceau, accused in turn by Poincaré of being weak and feeble in asserting his demands, "ont compromis les droits que leur prédecesseur avait fait reconnaître

"Yes," answered Goguelat, "he was the Napoleon of our valley, barring the battles." As they reached the parsonage, Genestas saw a little group about the door; Butifer and Adrien were talking with M. Janvier, who, no doubt, had just returned from saying mass.

They depend almost entirely on the moral condition of the population, which we can never completely reform without the potent aid of the cures. This remark does not apply to you in any way, M. Janvier." "Nor do I take it to myself," laughed the cure. "Is not my heart set on bringing the teaching of the Catholic religion to co-operate with your plans of administration?

Thomas Janvier, whose judgment on such matters is unquestioned, declares that not a dozen have succeeded in painting thoroughly good cat portraits, portraits so true to nature as to satisfy if they could express their feelings in the premises the cat subjects and their cat friends. Only four painters, he says, ever painted cats habitually and always well.

By Violet Hunt. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. "A good story, bright, keen, and dramatic.... It is out of the ordinary, and will give you a new sensation." New York Herald. New York: D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue. By Félix Gras. Translated from the Provençal by Mrs. Catharine A. Janvier. With an Introduction by Thomas A. Janvier. With Frontispiece. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50.

Well might he write to Mrs. Janvier: "I have had a very varied, and, to use a much abused word, a very romantic life in its internal as well as in its external aspects."

Cher Reeve, Il y a un siecle que je ne vous ai ecrit. Je n'etais pas libre de le faire. Le mois de janvier tout entier s'est passe au milieu de la crise la plus douloureuse. Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait aucun mois de ma vie qui merite mieux que celui-la d'etre marque d'une croix noire dans l'histoire de mon existence privee.