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The same eyes that seed down through the brush and ferns in the Summit woods, the same ears that heerd the music of the wind trailin' through the pines, don't see you with my eyes or hear you with my ears. And when she paints you, it's nat'ril for a woman with that pow'ful mind and grand idees to dip her brush into her heart's blood for warmth and color. Yer smilin', young man.

"I make no doubt o' that, mum," said Skipper Tommy Lovejoy, to whom, in the kitchen, that night, she propounded her strange philosophy; "but you see, mum, 'tis the way o' the world, an' folks just will stick t' their idees, an', mum," he went on, with a propitiating smile, "as you is only a woman, why " "Only a woman!" she roared, sitting up with a jerk. "Does you say " "Why, ay, mum!"

"I understand you your friend has gone to secure the scalp." "'Tis his gift, and let him enjoy it. We are white men, and cannot mangle a dead enemy; but it is honor in the eyes of a red-skin to do so. It may seem singular to you, Eau-douce, but I've known white men of great name and character manifest as remarkable idees consarning their honor, I have."

It seemed as if everything that could be known about trees and plants could be learnt here, and though we knowed we hadn't time or convenience to take all the knowledge in, no, our heads wuzn't big enough, but they felt crowded full as we left this buildin'. And that I felt wuz the crownin' glory of this fair, the new idees and knowledge of better ways and things that wuz learnt in all these exhibits, and wuz destined in the future to bear fruit and bless the world.

I reckon it ain't hard to pick a fuss with High Chin." "I wasn't lookin' for a fuss. It was his funeral." "So I heard; all but the procession." "And that's why I came up to see you. Mr. Torrance told me to hunt you up." "He did, eh? Well, now, John sure gets queer idees. I don't need a man round here." "I was after a job in the Service." "And he sends you to me.

Th' people jammed Finucane's Hall, an' he tol' thim th' time had come f'r th' masses to r-rise. 'Raymimber, says he, 'th' idees iv Novimb'r, he says. 'Raymimber Demosthens an' Cicero an' Oak Park, he says. 'Raymimber th' thraditions iv ye'er fathers, iv Washin'ton an' Jefferson an' Andhrew Jackson an' John L. Sullivan, he says.

He's got a mighty good hawk eye fer spyin' out evil an' the gals; he can outholler ole Jim; an' IF," I says, "any IDEES ever comes to him, he'll be a hell-rouser shore but they ain't comin'!" An', so sayin', I takes my foot in my hand an' steps fer home. Stranger, them fellers over thar hain't seed much o' this world. Lots of 'em nuver seed the cyars; some of 'em nuver seed a wagon.

O Paris, 'foyer des idees, et oeil du monde! animated contrast to the serene tranquillity of the Vril-ya, which, nevertheless, thy noisiest philosophers ever pretend to make the goal of their desires: of all communities on which shines the sun and descend the rains of heaven, fertilizing alike wisdom and folly, virtue and vice; in every city men have yet built on this earth, mayest thou, O Paris, be the last to brave the wands of the Coming Race and be reduced into cinders for the sake of the common good!

"Andy," said Sam, "you's a promisin' child, der an't no manner o' doubt. I thinks lots of yer, Andy; and I don't feel no ways ashamed to take idees from you. We oughtenter overlook nobody, Andy, cause the smartest on us gets tripped up sometimes. And so, Andy, let's go up to the house now. I'll be boun' Missis'll give us an uncommon good bite, dis yer time." The Mother's Struggle

I ain't got such liberal idees about shipping clerks as you got, Abe, but all the same, Abe, I think I could go at this business with a little system, y'understand." "You shouldn't trouble yourself, Mawruss," Abe replied, with an airy wave of his hand. "I hired one already." "You hired one already, Abe!" Morris repeated. "Well, ain't I got something to say about it too?" "Again kicking, Mawruss?"