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"Them trusters will never be lettin' Pether take that dog back to the horspital," she thought, mindful of the sign in Saint Margaret's yard that dogs were not allowed. "He'd have to be changin' him back into a make-believe dog to get him in at all; an' Pether'd never be satisfied wi' him that way, now afther havin' him real." Her trouble took her to the queen.

"Ye jes' gin we-uns a sniff an' a sup, an' then ye tuk the kittle that leaks an' shook the rest of the coffee beans from out yer milk-piggin inter it, an' sot out an' marched yer-self through the laurel I wonder nuthin' didn't ketch ye! howsomever naught is never in danger an' went ter that horspital camp o' the rebels on Big Injun Mounting smallpox horspital it is an' gin that precious coffee away to the enemies o' yer kentry."

Josephine asked of one slim, tall lad, with black hair drooping over a pair of sharp black eyes, his pale face full of animation. "Oh, ever since he come down our street one day an' axed me 'bout a feller I knowed that jes' come back from the horspital. Chap got run over Mr. Ferry was feared he wouldn't have no home to stay in when he got out o' horspital. No more he didn't till then.

"Who wants sparkling water? 'Tain't like English. It's so thin and cold." "Come, come; you must own that you are mending fast, Punch." "Who wants to be mended," snarled the poor fellow, "and go through life like my old woman's cracked chayney plate with the rivet in it! I was a strong lad once, and could beat any drummer in the regiment in a race, while now I ought to be in horspital."

You is 'fraid to go to de horspital, 'cause de docters might cut on yo' stummick. I think slav'ry was a lot easier dan de War. Dat was de debbil's own business. Folks what hankers for war don' know what dey is askin' for. Dey ain' never seen no bloodshed. In war-times a man was no more dan a varmint. "When my white folks tol' us us was free, I waited.

"I hear'd tell 'bout some Nigger sojers a-plunderin' some houses: Out at Pine Ridge dey kilt a white man named Rogillio. But de head Yankee sojers in Natchez tried 'em for somethin' or nother an' hung 'em on a tree out near de Charity Horspital. Dey strung up de ones dat went to Mr. Sargent's door one night an' shot him down, too. All dat hangin' seemed to squelch a heap o' lousy goin's-on.

They sent me to the horspital, and they offered me my old job back again; but I jist got up my spunk and says if they can't pay me some damages, and goes and swears I was drunk when I didn't have nothing but rotten pop, I says, I can up and go some place else and get my four dollars a week."

Now all we've got to do is to forget trusters an' humps an' pains an' them disagreeable things, an' think o' somethin' pleasant." "Ain't nothin' pleasant ter think of in er horspital," wailed John, the present disheartenment clouding over all past happiness. "Ain't, neither," agreed James. "Aye, there be," contradicted Sandy. "Dinna ye ken the wee gray woman 'at cam creepity round an' smiled?"

"Is there any way of buyin' a dog into a horspital?" she asked, solemnly. "I think it would be easier to buy a home to put him in." "Could ye could ye get one for the price of a penny?" Bridget considered her own question, and coupled it with something she remembered Sandy had been wishing for back in Ward C. "Wait a minute; I'll ask ye another.

"What odds is it to you?" she screamed; "what business is it of yours, coming poking your nose in my affairs?" "Come, now, I can't have any rowing," exclaimed the matron. "Rowing! I should like to know what business it is of 'ers." "Hush, hush, I can't have you interfering with my patients; another word and I'll order you out of the hospital," "Horder me out of the horspital! and what for?