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A variety of expedients were tried, but in vain, until at last the keeper hit upon this plan: he succeeded in making the mother understand, by signs, what he wanted, and she immediately seized the young one around the neck with her trunk, and held it firmly down, though groaning with anguish, until the wound was dressed.

Now, much as I thought I was watching out, we were suddenly and quite unexpectedly right on the downward slope before I even realized that we were near it. As I said, on this slope the trail described a double curve, and it hit the bridge at an angle from the west. The first turn and the behaviour of the horses were what convinced me that I had inadvertently gone too far.

"Yes, that's all," said Dexter; "only I've got a bite on my arm, and one on my neck, and one on my shoulder. They didn't bleed, though, only pinched and hurt. I only hit him one good un, and that was on the nose, and it made it bleed." "Humph!" ejaculated the doctor. "Now, look here, Dexter, is every word of that true!" "Yes, sir, every bit," cried the boy eagerly. "You will see if it ain't."

Then the old woman, whose duty it was to put the pews in order, hurriedly throwing the books into the cupboard as soon as the dead man was removed, perchance pushed the document so far back that it slipped through the gap and down behind the buffets. At all events, no one has ever hit upon a likelier explanation.

Since a long time nobody had ventured to cross it. The bow of an old boat, whose stern was buried in the mud, showed among the reeds. Julian, on examining it closely, found a pair of oars and hit upon the idea of devoting his life to the service of his fellow-men.

He says, early in his book, "Among all the different expressions which can render a single one of our thoughts, there is only one which is right. We do not always hit upon it in speaking or composing; nevertheless it is a fact that somewhere it exists, and everything else is feeble and does not satisfy a man of intelligence who desires to be understood."

I reckon I don't know how ter thank ye, er repay ... but ... my life air yourn ter take hit, ef yo' likes." "Nonsense," was the sharp response. "And as for thanks, why I don't want any. I did it for Smiles' sake." The kneeling body quivered once; but, when the answer came, it was uttered in even tones. "Yes, I reckoned so. Yo' hev the right ter do things fer her, an' I ... I haint.

How are you ever going to get another such chance to make a hit?" "And what if it ruins my life to marry him?" Lorraine asked. "Such nonsense! The man can give you everything. What in the world more do you want? He is good enough looking; he could pass as a gentleman, and he is rich." A sudden nauseous spasm at all the ugliness of life shook Lorraine.

I know a man who was once engaged at Jolly & Monk's the chief publishers of that kind of thing, you know; I must look him up what a mistake it is to neglect any acquaintance! and get some information out of him. But it's obvious what an immense field there is for anyone who can just hit the taste of the' new generation of Board school children.

Owing to the stormy weather and the late hour, no one was crossing the square; indeed, even the most callous were probably inclined to avoid the spot where the Indians had been executed in the morning. We must have passed close to it. At last we reached the side of the river, but had not hit the place where the sailor had left the canoe. Here was another difficulty. Could any one have removed it?