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Walt put down the comic he had been reading and walked out, also without looking at me. They closed the door. Time passed. I saw them through the window, talking to each other, looking at me. It was something, all right. They were scared. That's bad, because these kids are like wild animals; if you scare them, they hit first it's the only way they know to defend themselves.

Bill. "We hit their trail nearly two days from Bell River. They'd massacred an outfit of traveling Indians, and burnt their camp out. However, we kept ahead of them, and made the headwaters of the river. But we didn't shake 'em. Not by a sight. They hung on our trail, I guess, for nearly three weeks. We lost 'em twenty miles back. That's all." Bill and the priest sat with eyes on Murray.

Once set upon a wrong scent, as folks already were, since the papers had suggested the man was drowned, why should they ever hit upon the right one? Wheal Danes had not been explored for half a century. Why should not Solomon's bones lie there till the judgment-day?

The rest of the company isn't going to be any good. They haven't any experience. What do they know about theatricals?" He frowned as he thought of their ignorance. "Hand me the coffee," he added. "I don't believe I could act, Charlie," Carrie went on pettishly. "You don't think I could, do you?" "Sure. Out o' sight. I bet you make a hit. Now you want to go, I know you do.

The fire was very heavy, and for a moment it looked as if this part of the line, and the Queenslanders immediately next to it, would not be able to get in. Officer after officer was hit. Leading amongst these was a senior captain, an officer old for his rank, but one who was known to almost every man in the force as one of the most striking personalities in Gallipoli.

It may not be always possible to hit in the exact direction desired, and, of course, he cannot "place" the ball in any particular spot, but he can and should be able to hit either to left field or right, as the occasion demands. The advantage of this to the player himself and to his team cannot be overestimated.

Poor, dear Arthur Mountjoy once told me of a foreign author, who was in great doubt of the right answer to some tough question that troubled him. He went into his garden and threw a stone at a tree. If he hit the tree, the answer would be Yes. If he missed the tree, the answer would be No. I am going into the garden to imitate the foreign author. You shall hear how it ends. I have hit the tree.

Since Cohenlupe had sat at the Board he had never before developed such powers of conversation. Nidderdale didn't quite understand it. He had been there twenty minutes, was tired of his present amusement, having been unable to hit Carbury on the nose, and suddenly remembered that the Beargarden would now be open.

There's not much advantage in telling your antagonist he has hit you pretty hard." "I wanted you to understand that you hadn't hit us hard enough. Your blow was not a knockout, and we mean to guard against the next. We have taken the contract and are going to put it over; I want you to get that.

Now, would you believe it, that evening, after I had finished my work, and was starting out for supper, I saw this man coming up the stairs. He met me with the usual question, 'Is the captain in? and I suddenly hit upon a plan to get rid of him, for I had made up my mind that the man didn't know what he was about; so I replied: "'What do you want?