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The bag says IT has been to Europe. It does not say that I have been there." "But, you probably will," I pointed out, "and then some one who has really visited those places " "Listen!" commanded Kinney. "If you want adventures you must be somebody of importance. No one will go shares in an adventure with Joe Kinney, a twenty-dollar-a-week clerk, the human adding machine, the hall-room boy.

Very much like the short salutations of soldiers or of travellers in foreign wilds are the welcomes between the strollers at the corners of their criss-cross roads. "I've got the hall-room two flights up above yours," said Rosalie, "but I came straight to see you before going up. I didn't know you were here till they told me." "I've been in since the last of April," said Lynnette.

The first owner, it was said, had amused himself in the great hall-room by making his own children stand on their toes, switching their feet with a whip when they dropped upon their soles from pain or fatigue; and his own son finally shot at him through the great northern door with a rifle or pistol, leaving the mark to this day, to be seen by a small panel set in the original pine.

Through one door at the rear they caught a glimpse of a tiny kitchen; through another the white covering of a hall-room cot could be seen. "Well?" repeated Mr. Peters. "I suppose you're a delegation, so to speak?" "A cold unfeeling word," objected Mr. Magee. "We have come to plead" began Miss Norton, turning her eyes at their full candle-power on the hermit's bearded face.

They had to "study" until they, too, could wear glasses; they went to a business school if they could do no better. And they did their things so excellently that they were graduated, and if they were lucky they would finally secure a position at twenty crowns a month. Fine! But they had to pay twenty-seven for the hall-room and meals. Then they were "independent"!

Having breakfasted at an outlay of exactly eight cents I returned to my chamber, which was a hall-room, eight feet by ten, and faced the north. I figured that I could live on five dollars per week which would enable me to stay till spring. I had about one hundred and thirty dollars in my purse.

She had a dispiriting first month of hunting lodgings in the crowded city. She had to roost in a hall-room in a moldy mansion conducted by an indignant decayed gentlewoman, and leave Hugh to the care of a doubtful nurse. But later she made a home. Her first acquaintances were the members of the Tincomb Methodist Church, a vast red-brick tabernacle.

Landladies, whole black-bombazine generations of them oh, so long unheard! may rise in one Indictment of the Boarder: The scarred bureau-front and match-scratched wall-paper; the empty trunk nailed to the floor in security for the unpaid bill; cigarette-burnt sheets and the terror of sudden fire; the silent newcomer in the third floor back hustled out one night in handcuffs; the day-long sobs of the blond girl so suddenly terrified of life-about-to-be and wringing her ringless hands in the fourth-floor hall-room; the smell of escaping gas and the tightly packed keyhole; the unsuspected flutes that lurk in boarders' trunks; towels, that querulous and endless paean of the lodger; the high cost of liver and dried peaches, of canned corn and round steak!

When the homefarers from office and factory had begun to tarnish the brilliance of this show, when the women had begun to scatter this one to dinner with her man, that one back to the hall-room supper by whose economies she saved for her Saturday afternoon vanities Bertram and Mark drifted with the current up Kearney street toward the Hotel Marseillaise.

"Of course if if you got a date with one of of the models or something." "I never said that, did I?" "Well, get that sponging idea out of your head, Phonzie. There's always plenty for two in my cupboard. Like I says the other night, what's the use being able to afford my little flat if I can't get some pleasure out of it?" "It sure looks good to this hall-room Johnnie."