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Dey was brave, dey was stubborn as mules, but back dey had to come. De head Linkum ossifer was leadin' all de time. I neber seed such a man, eberyting an' eberybody guv way afo' him. De oder Linkum sogers dat I thought was whipped wasn't whipped at all, fer dey come crowdin' aroun' arter de head ossifer, jes' as peart as eber.

"Why, sir," said Joe, who also showed some slight signs of wear, but whose breathing was soft and regular, "why, sir, you couldn't call that last one a real knockdown " "You 'm a liar, Joe, a liar!" cried the Old Un. "Blimy, Guv, Joe's a-tellin' you crackers, s' help me your 'ands touched the floor, didn't they?"

Just as she spoke the study door opened and Bill Ezy came out sobbing, and Wool lifting up his voice and fairly roaring. Mrs. Condiment stepped out of the parlor door. "What's the matter, you blockhead?" she asked of Wool. "Oh! boo-hoo-woo! Ole marse been and done and gone and guv me a line to find an an another boo-hoo-woo!" sobbed Wool, ready to break his heart.

Of all the noses for length and redness and for blowin' like trumpets I ever did see well, well, it's no use conjicturin', but I do wonder sometimes what guv the ghosts sitch noses." "I suppose they knows that best themselves," observed Jack. "P'r'aps they does," replied Teddy with a meditative gaze at the fire.

"What?" quavered the old man, "ain't I ain't I found no murderer for ye, arter all, Guv?" "You've done something much, very much better, Old Un you've found me my brother!" "Brother!" echoed Spike, "brother?

"Don't be lying, you little blackguard; hould the horse, and don't stir out of that." "Shure how can I, Mr Lambert, when I've been and guv my word to Mr Larry?" and the little fellow put his hands behind him, that he might not be forced to take hold of the reins. "Don't talk to me, you young imp, but take the horse. I'll not forget you when I come out.

"Somebody tried to kill me, but somebody didn't kill me; here I am, getting stronger every day, so we'll let it go at that." "Why then I'm done!" said the Old Un, rising. "Guv, you're crool an' stony-'carted! 'Ere 's me, a pore old cove as has been dreamin' an' dreamin' o' gallers-trees an' 'lectric chairs, and 'ere 's you been an' took 'em off me! Guv, I'm disapp'inted wi' ye.

I swow, ef I'd a known ye hadn't nothin but them, I wouldn't a guv ye a drop to drink nor eat nuther. Marthy say ony this morning, 'Cephas, says she, 'rum 's rum an rags is rags, an don' ye give no more rum fer rags." "Well," said Perez, "I have nothing else. Government thought they were good enough to pay the soldiers for their blood; they ought to pay landlords for their rum."

But I 'spects I'll hab to confess a little about dat, Miss Patty. You see, I dun tole him I was gwine t' work for yo', and dat's huccome he guv 'em to me." "That's all right, Mancy. After he gets that long order we made out this morning, I'm sure he'll feel he was justified in favouring us; but get down out of that chair.

"Don't be throubling the ladies, Kitty," said an old man standing by; "sure and weren't you glad enough to be getting it." "She'd be axing the ladies to go home wid her and cook it for her after giving it her," said another. "Who says it war guv' me?" said the angry mother. "Didn't I buy it, here at this counter, with Mike's own hard-'arned money? and it's chaiting us they are.