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I'd make ye give up the guns, but these gents have something to say to you folks. They'll take care of yer rifles and such." The game warden backed his horse away. His two companions, taking their cue from his move, rode to the fore. Hippy surveyed them narrowly. "Here comes the rub," Miss Briggs confided to Grace. "We're deputy sheriffs," announced one.

They had been critically watching me wash and rearrange my clothing. "You are not heeled, suh, I see?" "Heeled?" I repeated. "Equipped with a shooting-iron, suh. Or do you intend to remedy that deficiency also?" "I have not been in the habit of carrying arms." "'Most everybody packs a gun or a bowie," Bill remarked. "Gents and ladies both. But there's no law ag'in not."

Without ceremony Farnham flung aside a heavy brocaded curtain, glancing inquiringly into the smaller room thus revealed. It contained a square table and half a dozen chairs. Three men sat within, their feet elevated, quietly smoking. The gambler coolly ran his eyes over their uplifted faces. "I desire to use this room, gents," he announced quietly. "You 'll find plenty of vacant space outside."

You're getting notional in your old age," said the committeeman from Breed's county. "But good gad! there ain't any statute to keep him out. Something has happened to make him good and mad. Some of these fancy jumping-jacks can make awful leaps when the box is opened, gents! Better take warning from what I tell you!" The committeemen exchanged smiles.

But at Anna Markovna's they at once ordered a quadrille and danced it, especially the fifth figure, where the gents execute a solo, perfectly, like real Parisians, even putting their thumbs in the arm holes of their vests. But they did not want to remain with the girls; instead, they promised to come later, when they had wound up the complete review of the brothels.

"Oh; that's your little game, is it? And you won't see me when I call, won't you? I won't stir out of this room unless you sends for the police, and so we'll get it all into one of the courts of law. I shall just like to see how you'll look when you're being cross-hackled by one of them learned gents.

As we collects ourse'fs on this eminence one of the Brackenridge boys holds up his hand for a halt. "Gents," he says, as hosses, hunters an' dogs we-all gathers 'round, "gents, I moves you the Chevy Chase Huntin' Club yereby stands adjourned sine die." Thar's a moment's pause, an' then as by one impulse every gent, hoss an' dog, says "Ay!"

"Yaw two gents enjying the balmy air for'ard, on your bloomin' pleasure yacht?" inquired Captain William Broome, who had a turn for broad sarcasm. "Jus' smokin' a few peaceful pipes, sir," replied Pete, who was allowed a certain amount of leeway with his master, as he had been with him in the African trade, and as boys in New England, they had lived on nearby farms.

"I'll let them explain," returned the head assistant. Josiah Cotton had heard Captain Putnam's words of caution to Aaron Fairchild, and as he had a great regard for persons who were rich, and did not want to get himself into trouble, he resolved to move with caution. "I'd like to ask you three young gents a few questions," said he, as the boys came up. "Fust, which one of you is Richard Rover?"

It ain't a dignified sight to see a round fat man trying to make himself small by lying as flat as possible." "I can't blame them," replied Jim; "I would have been trying the same maneuver if I had been there." "No, you wouldn't," contradicted the Taker of Tickets; "you would have been busy trying to get a line on some of the gents who were kicking up a ruction outside.