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I know a rigorously strict clergyman's family where the children are taught and conform to all the observances of their father's church, and yet a falser, more paltry set of young creatures could not be found they have never had it explained to them that it is impossible to hoodwink God.

"Might I not even bid him good-by, as a friend might?" "You are false falser each than the other," answered Beatrix, in white anger. "You have played with me, tricked me, made me your toy " "Did you hear this man say that he did not love me, before I bade him good-by?" asked Eleanor, gravely, almost sternly. "He has said it to me, but not to you, never to you never to the woman he loves!"

Was there ever a piece of sentiment cheaper, falser, more tawdry? Who applauds a man for not turning his old mother out of doors at the impertinent request of a meddling nobody? Look at the stormy small capitals of this oatmeal hero, who is supposed to electrify us by the mere fact of his not being an incredible ass and scoundrel!

Aye! the heavy lids now close those bright eyes which could be falser than the stern lips that were so apt to praise truth. The faithless heart is forever still which could scorn the love of a queen and for what? For whom? Oh, ye pitiful gods!" With these words the queen sobbed aloud, hastily lifting her hands to cover her eyes, and ran to the door by which she had entered her brother's rooms.

The moment to learn the truth will come." "Thou didst not know me, Carlo, when I called thee from the bridge?" "I did not. Any fare that would occupy my time was welcome." "Why dost thou call Annina treacherous?" "Because Venice does not hold a more wily heart, or a falser tongue." Gelsomina remembered the warning of Donna Florinda.

Bernard is a traitor then! None shall hinder me from so calling him. Why did we trust him?" "Never fear, Lord Duke," said Osmond. "When you come to the years of Knighthood, your own sword shall right you, in spite of all the false Danes, and falser Franks, in the land." "What! you too, son Osmond?

These reverence the judgments of society in things of far greater importance than the colour or cut of a gown; often without knowing it, they judge life, and truth itself, by the falsest of all measures, namely, the judgment of others falser than themselves; they do not ask what is true or right, but what folk think and say about this or that.

For there are some who condemn Berlioz in the name of Wagner's theories; and others who, not liking the sacrifice, seek to make him a forerunner of Wagner, or kind of elder brother, whose mission was to clear a way and prepare a road for a genius greater than his own. Nothing is falser. To understand Berlioz one must shake off the hypnotic influence of Bayreuth.

Or could there be a falser, crueler, or more heartless account brought to bereaved children than Fallon's purported description of the father's body found in Donner's Camp? He had been carefully laid out by his wife, and a sheet was wrapped around the corpse. This sad office was probably the last act she performed before visiting the camp of Keseberg.

If you had allowed me to be as familiar with you as some wives are with their husbands, I should have spoken to you personally instead of writing. As it is, I don't know how you might receive what I have to say to you if I said it by word of mouth. So I write. "The man against whom I warn you is still a guest in this house Miserrimus Dexter. No falser or wickeder creature walks the earth.