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Mrs. B. Now, Sergeant, ye may as well hould ye'r tongue, for a drap ov this liker ye'll never touch agin. Maddened to desperation, the sergeant attacked Mrs. Brown, who valiantly defended herself with half of a tent-pole which lay near at hand.

"Thet's a God's blessin'," commended Bas, and then as Dorothy went back to the kitchen Parish lifted his brows and inquired quietly, "Ye war over hyar yistiddy an' the day afore, warn't ye, Bas?" The other nodded and laughed with a shade of taunt in his voice. "Yes. Hit pleasures me ter drap in whar I always gits me sich an old-time welcome." "Did ye aim ter stay an' eat ye some dinner?"

Naebody taks ye to be, answered the chairman. 'Meggie, there's naebody's had ower muckle yet, and twa or three o' 's hasna had freely eneuch. Jist gang an' fess a mutchkin mair. An' there'll be a shillin' to yersel', lass. Meg retired, but straightway returned. 'Miss Naper says there's no a drap mair drink to be had i' this hoose the nicht.

"Do you ever lie, Mr. What's-your-name?" "No," replied the savage, thereby uttering an unmitigated falsehood. "You give me your promise, then, that ye'll niver furnish me anither drap?" "Yis." "Give me yer hand." The two shook hands, Teddy's face, despite its vacant expression, lighting up for the time with a look of delight. "Now I'll fish," said Teddy.

She threw her apron over her head and swayed and sobbed. As Sandy tried to pass, she stopped him again, and after looking furtively around she fumbled in her pocket for something which she thrust into his hand. "Hit's de pistol!" she whispered. "I's skeered to give it to nobody else, 'ca'se I's skeered dey'd try me for a witness. He done drap it 'longside de kitchen door.

'Light, sir, 'light," continued the hospitable squire, as a tow-headed stable-boy tumbled out at the door in response to the bell; "drap right down an' come in." The young man followed the landlord into a bare little office, where he was given to understand in plain terms that people who stopped with Squire Pleasants were expected to make themselves completely at home.

Well, do you want to buy anythin'?" "No," said Mrs. Mayfield, "not to-day." "Got some right good snuff here if you want it." "I don't use snuff." "You don't? An' come round talkin' 'bout peculiar folks, too? Little one," he said to Lou, "tell yo' daddy I may drap over to see him as soon as my present rush is over. Trade is suthin' that don't wait fur no man, Mrs. Mayflower."

"Nae, nae," she replied, "he used to come in and sit doun wi' his hands in his lap like a bashful country lad; very glum, till he got a drap o' whuskey, or heard a gude story, and then he was aff! He was very poorly in his latter days."

He awoke with a start to find the room flooded with the morning sunshine, and every trace of last night's work removed. The doctor was bending over the bed, and speaking to Saunders. "It's me, Saunders, Doctor MacLure, ye ken; dinna try tae speak or move; juist let this drap milk slip ower ye 'ill be needin' yir breakfast, lad and gang tae sleep again."

He was drawing himself over the ledge, and the low, stern voice startled him, as a knife might have done, thrust suddenly from the empty air at his breast. Rome rose upright against the cliff, with his resolute face against the stock of a Winchester. "Drap that gun!" The order was given along Stetson's barrel, and the weapon was dropped, the steel ringing on the stone floor.