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These visits of Bowlaigs to the last two places, both because he don't get no letters at the post office an' don't demand no clothes at the store, I attribootes to motives of morbid cur'osity, that a-way. "The first real trouble that meets up with Bowlaigs who's got to be a y'ar old by now since Jennie fights the dooel with him with that broom, overtakes him at the O.K. Restauraw.

Elisha, no denyin' that, and the right of all the fam'ly; so we've agreed to have it done afore all together, in the lawful way, Mr. Stacy bein' a lawyer; but dinner first, if you please, for eatin' 's good both for grief and cur'osity, and it's hard tellin' which is uppermost in this case. Gilbert, come here!" He was standing alone, beside the paling. He obeyed her call.

I've given the thing up, and so let it be!" There was nothing more to be said, and the two cross-examiners took their departure. As they descended to the creek, Miss Lavender remarked, as if to herself, "No use it can't be screwed out of him! So there's one cur'osity the less; not that I'm glad of it, for not knowin' worries more than knowin', whatsoever and whosoever.

"One evenin' Dan Boggs, who's allers tantalisin' 'round askin' questions it looks like a sleepless cur'osity is proned into Dan ropes at Peets concernin' this topic: "'Whatever do they teach in colleges, Doc? asks Dan. "'They teaches all of the branches," retorts Peets. "'An' none of the roots, adds Colonel Sterett, 'as a cunnin' Yank once remarks on a o'casion sim'lar.

"'This is the story my mother tells me, says Sioux Sam, 'to show me the evils of cur'osity. "The Great Sperit allows to every one the right to ask only so many questions," says my mother, "an' when they ask one more than is their right, they die." "'This is the story of the fate of Kaw-kaw-chee, the Raven, a Sioux Chief who died long ago exackly as my mother told me.

"I 'm go'n' to kerry y' home," said Abel; "'T' th' ol Doctor, he's got a gre't cur'osity t' see ye. Jes' step along naow, off that way, will ye? 'n' I Ill hol' on t' th' bridle, f' fear y' sh'd run away." He took hold of the leather thong, but found that it was fastened at the other end to the saddle. This was too much for Abel. "Wal, naow, yeou be a pooty chap to hev raound!

She said she would tell no more of the Story-that-never-ends until the Giant was dead; nor would she show to a husband who did not love her the great treasure of fire-water which Moh-kwa, the Bear, had found. At this, the Raven, who was hot to have the treasure of fire-water an' whose ears rang with cur'osity to hear the end of the Story-that-never-ends, saw that he must kill the Giant.

"Well, I reckon that's worth having too." "Here, Jim here's a cur'osity for you," said Silver, and he tossed me the paper. It was around about the size of a crown piece. One side was blank, for it had been the last leaf; the other contained a verse or two of Revelation these words among the rest, which struck sharply home upon my mind: "Without are dogs and murderers."

So I went into the canyon, an' Moh-kwa, the Bear, took me by the hand an' led me to the treasure of fire-water which was greater an' richer than was ever seen by any Sioux." "'Then the Squaw-who-has-dreams would tell no more that night, while the Raven eat his fingers with cur'osity.

"'Which by this time, excitement is runnin' high, an' you-all couldn't have found that citizen in Socorro with a search warrant who declines to believe in opals bein' bad luck. On the hocks of these catastrophes it's the common notion that nobody better own that opal; an' said malev'lent stone in the dooal capac'ty of a cur'osity an' a warnin' is put in the seegyar case at the Early Rose s'loon.