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"I-I want yer t-t-ter love me." "No comprende, señor." "O-oh, yes yer do. L-Lord! didn't I t-tell it all ter yer s-s-straight 'nough last n-night? Maybe I ain't m-much on ther t-talk, but I r-reckon I sh-sh-shot that all right. C-can't yer make over th-that like inter l-love somehow?"

La sufragista, por el hecho de serlo, no es antagónica a los deberes de la familia, antes bien comprende que el bienestar de la familia es el fundamento del bienestar de la sociedad, y tiene conciencia de que las miserias y vicios sociales afectan a la familia y ella puede y debe acudir a remediar con el hombre esas miserias y esos vicios.

"Because, madame, I discovered that you and the Marquis de Boisdhyver have been in secret communication with each other." "C'est impossible. Te me comprende pas, monsieur. Will you tell me why it is that you can think that this Marquis de Bois what is the name?" "De Boisdhyver." "Merci. Why is it that you can think that the Marquis de Boisdhyver and I have been in secret communication?"

She glanced up quickly into his serious eyes, half shrinking away as if she suddenly comprehended the dumb, patient strength of the man, his rugged, changeless resolution. There was a bit of falter in the quick response, yet this was lost to him. "No, señor, I no make fun. I no dat kind. I do de right, dat all; I do de right for both of us. I no vant to do de wrong. You comprende, señor?

Ah' when they come to you, Doc, you don't know nothin'. Comprende?" "But McGraw robbed the stage " "He didn't kill nobody, Doc. He wasn't blood-thirsty. He shot the horse when he might have shot the messenger. Now, let's be sensible, Doc. Sometimes a feller can accomplish more in this world by keepin' his mouth shut than he can by tellin' every durned thing he knows.

Yet on that occasion heliographs reported his movements; the King's escort was doubled and the King went little abroad." "Who stands at Louis' back? Revolutionists?" "Dios! No, Señor. The Galavians are cattle. Karyl or Louis, it is one to them. Galavia is a key. The key cares not at what porter's belt it jingles. Europe cares who opens and closes the lock. Comprende?

"When you're ready to toddle about" he added, with a lightning wink and a slight movement of his fat thumb and forefinger, as if counting a stack of imaginary bills, "send Sam Singer up to let me know. Comprende, amigo?" Bob smiled at this sinful philanthropist. "Not necessary, old man if you'll drop in at the Kern County Bank and Trust Company in Bakersfield to-morrow and get me a check-book.

La mujer instruída no se ha transformado en la marisabidilla, la fatua criatura forjada por la imaginación de algunos, ni siquiera ha perdido ninguno de sus encantos femeninos porque razone y discuta con el hombre sobre toda clase de materias; antes bien, a causa de ello, parece que encontramos en ella mayor gracia y encanto, porque nos comprende mejor y sabe hacerse comprender mejor.

"Oui, oui; je comprende," answered one of the few white men on board probably the master and, the schooner's helm being put down, she came up head to wind, with her foretopsail to the mast. The corvette, which had by this time shot a little way ahead, also hove-to, and the commander directed Rayner, with a boat's crew, to go on board the prize and take possession.

"Ah!" cried the doctor. "The fish the Spanish captain promised me. Our thanks to your master, and I will not forget what he wanted." The man answered him in Spanish. "Ah, now you are taking me out of my depth," said the doctor. "Do you speak French?" The man shook his head. "English, then?" "No comprende, senor," replied the man hurriedly or what sounded like it.