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"Where's he stayin' at now?" demanded Mammy sharply, although she drew the corner of her apron across her eyes. "He's down to Mars' Nat's at the toll-gate cottage. 'Peahs like it's the natch'el place for him to be. Neithah of 'em's got anybody else, and it's kind a like old times when they was chillun, play in' round the big house togethah. I stopped in to see him yestiddy.

Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Joe Tillman W. 10th and Highway No. 79 Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 79 "I was born in 1859 down here at Walnut Lake. The man what owned us was Crum Holmes. "All I can remember was the patrollers and the Ku Klux. I reckon I ought to, I seed 'em. I got skeered and run. I heered 'em talk 'bout how they'd do the folks and we chillun thought they'd do us the same way.

John threw his father's bridle back, galloped through a gate, and came with a gourd full. "Gimme quick, son, he's swoonin' away." The draught brought back some life. "Shan't I get a doctor, father?" "Tain't a bit of use, son." "No," moaned the negro. "I'm gwine fasteh dan docto's kin come. I'm in de deep watehs. Gwine to meet my Lawd Jesus. Good-by, wife; good-by, chillun.

If I tell you, you mun swear never to come and live at Undern. ''Struth I will! 'Well, then, just you come and see 'er some time when the master's away. And bring the chillun. 'Thank you kindly. 'Not till I say the word, though! I wunna risk it till he's off for the day. If he found me out, it'd be notice. Eh, missus, he's like a lad with his first white mouse! And the parson!

Besides, I g-got the worst of it. I'd rather die young or be hanged, any day, than to m-marry Sid Gray." Aunt Melvy followed them to the door, shaking her head. "I'se gwine make you chillun some good-luck bags. De fust time de new moon holds water I'se sholy gwine fix 'em. 'T ain't safe not to mind de signs; 't ain't safe."

When the carriage drove away at last, a row of shiny black faces was lined up each side of the avenue. All the Gibbs children were there, and Aunt Cindy's other grandchildren, with their hands full of rice. "Speed 'em well, chillun!" called old Cindy, waving her apron.

Mah mammy wuz sold 'way fum me. She ma'ied a man named Brown en dey had seven chillun." "At fust I 'longed ter Marster Jim Caruthers. W'en his daughter ma'ied Fount Odell, I wuz willed ter her en den mah marsters wuz Fount en Albert Odell who wuz br'ers. Mah white folks let us go ter chuch. I b'leeves in de Baptist 'ligion. I nebber knowed any slave dat had ter hide ter sing er pray.

He is a plasterer and liked by de colored and white people. I think it wuz a fine thing that slavery was finished. I don't have a thing more than my chillun and dey are all poor. I first joined church at Upperville, Virginny. I was buried under de water. I feel dat everybody should have religion. Dey get on better in dis life, and not only in dis life but in de life to cum.

"Did ye ever see ennyting to ekal de cunnin' o' de critter," said Uncle Eb gloomily; "runnin' up dat tree on'y to jump off, so as he'd break de scent an' fool de dog? Ye'll learn a heap o' queer tings in dese woods, chillun, 'fore ye get t'rough," he added, addressing the English lads. "We've learned queerer things than we ever imagined or dreamed of, already, Uncle Eb," Neal answered.

The paying went on, after the uproarious laughter had subsided, and down the long row only the clinking of silver was heard, intermingled now and then with the shrill voice of some creature disputing with Kingsley about her account. Generally it ran thus: "It cyant be thet away. Sixty hours at five cents an hour wal, but didn't the chillun wuck no longer than that?