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She went down by rail from the little station of The Huts to the large town of Drum, thirty miles to the east. Here, with the most perfect courage and dignity of bearing, she interviewed a printer and arranged for the publication of her poems in their own original form, no longer staled and clapper-clawed by the pencil of the senior office boy.

'I hope, if my brother is alive, that he is a good sort of chap, said Peter. He breakfasted in the tapestried room which he had ordered to be kept open for him, and then went into the library to write his letters. He had a hundred things to do. At lunch-time he interviewed his steward, his agent, his stud-groom, and the other heads of departments of a large estate.

With equal plausibility we could prove that the author of Hamlet was a weakling, by selecting all the obscure and stupid passages, and parading these with the unexplained fact that the play opens with the spirit of a dead man coming back to earth, and a little later in the same play Shakespeare has the man who interviewed the ghost tell of "that bourne from whence no traveler returns."

A flush of light enveloped the awakened world, like a caress from the rising sun, and the glimmer of dawn kindled new hope in the breast of the vicomte. What a fool he was to let himself succumb to fear before anything was decided before his seconds had interviewed those of Georges Lamil, before he even knew whether he would have to fight or not!

He went house of French commandant with no attempt at concealment. Am waiting. Will wire again soon as have news. Perhaps better not start till you hear." An hour and a half later a second blue envelope was put into Nevill's hand. "He and an officer leave for Touggourt in private carriage three horses relays ordered. Have interviewed livery stable. They start at five will travel all night.

Since Banner is slightly built, there is scarcely a possibility that he did such work before the normal time. Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Shepherd Rhone 10th and Kentucky Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: 75 "Yes ma'am, I was bred and born in 'sixty-three in Phillips County, Arkansas, close to Helena, on old Judge Jones' plantation. Judge Jones, he was a lawyer. Remember him?

Sometimes, you wonder if some of the old folk don't have dispositions that they can turn off or on at will. It is not hard to realize the reason why Amanda was treated better than other children when you remember that she called her grandpa "Master". Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: "Cat" Ross Brassfield, Ark. Age: Born 1862

The Keystone and Prohibition party conventions also heard suffrage speakers and adopted favorable resolutions. For the first time all of the 880 candidates for the Legislature were interviewed by a letter as to submitting the question to the voters and 283 gave affirmative answers. This year the referendum measure passed after a bitter contest.

Now, such a blow as this, at this time of year, will last three days at least, and I've an idea that it'll haul gradually to the south, and west towards the end of it. Where'll we be then? Either piled up on one of the Bahama keys or interviewed by the Spaniards. Now I've been thinking of a scheme on deck. We can't get back to camp for a while that's settled.

Hippy, who had established a reputation as a singer of humorous songs, was asked for his services. "I have a number of new and choice ditties that I will render with pleasure, providing I am afterwards fed," he shrewdly declared, when interviewed on the subject. "It will all depend upon how well you sing," stipulated Nora. "Then I shan't warble at all," announced Hippy.

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