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"Certingly, sir at once, sir " "Unless you think you ought to give them each a handful of my cigars " But Mr. Brimberly had already bundled his dazed guests to the door, out of the door, and out of the house, with very little ceremony. It was a very deferential and officiously eager Brimberly who presently knocked and, bowing very frequently, begged to know how he might be of further service.

So great was the change that Spike stared speechless, and Mr. Brimberly gaped with whiskers a-droop. "Well, shall I do?" enquired Mr. Ravenslee, tightening his faded neckerchief. "Do?" repeated Spike, "say you look all to d' mustard, Geoff! You you look as if you could do things, now!" "Strangely enough, Spike, I rather feel that way too!" So saying, Mr.

Brimberly, addressing the universe in general, "I repeats as 'e is a narsty, drunken little person!" "Person?" cried the Old Un, scowling, "why, you perishin' " "Old!" said Mr. Brimberly, "'old, I beg! Enough 'as been said go 'ence! 'Oo you are I do not know, wot you are I do not care, but in these regions you do not remain; your langwidge forbids and " "Langwidge?" snorted the Old Un.

Brimberly, mopping himself with a very large, exceeding white handkerchief, "if you honly will, sir!" "No, Brimberly, no it would only distress you, besides hark! their song is ended, and rather abruptly I rather fancy they have fallen down the terrace steps." "And I 'opes," murmured Mr. Brimberly fervently, "I do 'ope as they've broke their necks!"

"And a collection of the one is about as useless as a collection of the other, Brimberly!" "Why, true, sir, one man can't live in a dozen places all at once, but why not work round 'em in turn, beginning, say, at your imposing Venetian palazzo canals, sir, gondoleers picturesque though dampish? Or your shally in the Tyro-leen Halps, sir, or " "Brimberly, have the goodness to er shut up!"

Brimberly, loosing his whisker, coughed again and shifted his gaze to the Persian rug beneath his feet; yet when Young R. spoke again, his voice was very soft and sleepy. "Rich!" he repeated, "yes, that's just the unspeakable hell of it it's money that has crippled all endeavours and made me what I am! Rich?

But suddenly his wandering eye was arrested by velvet and gold braid, and lifting up his voice he called: "William! James! Come 'ere and come sharp!" Two vast and splendid shapes loomed upon the scene, supermen whose silken calves quivered with unaccustomed haste; at a sign from Mr. Brimberly they seized upon the Old Un and, despite ghoulish threats, solemnly bore him off.

Once again the horn was heard, but very much nearer now, and louder, whereupon Mr. Brimberly turned, almost hastily, and his visitor rose hurriedly. "It's very annoying, Mr. Stevens," said he, "but can I trouble you to to step er down stairs with the glasses? It's 'ighly mortifying, but may I ask you to er step a little lively, Mr. Stevens?" Without a word, Mr.

Brimberly's master's cigars, "I say let joy and 'armony be unconfined! How about Jenkins and 'is banjer?" "I'll call 'im up immediate!" nodded Mr. Brimberly, rising. "Mr. Jenkins is a true hartist, equally facetious and soulful, sir!" So saying, Mr. Brimberly arose and crossed toward the telephone.

Stevens, which had fallen beneath a chair and thus escaped notice. "Why, I indeed, sir," said Mr. Brimberly, stooping to make a fierce clutch at it, "I took the liberty of showing a friend of mine your your picters, sir no offence, I 'ope, sir?" "Friend?" murmured his master. "Name of Stevens, sir, valet to Lord Barberton a most sooperior person indeed, sir!" "Barberton?