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Settin' thar on his hoss, my grandfather is all right. His center of grav'ty is shifted an' located more to his advantage. I esteems it one of them evidences of a sooperior design in the yooniverse, an' a plain proof that things don't come by chance, that long after a gent can't walk none, he's plumb able to ride.

Never knows it to fail; an' I allows, as a s'lootion that a-way, it's owin' to the sooperior merits of our nose-paint. It's a compliment they pays us. "However, this Red Dog gent's drinkin' is his own affairs. An' his earnestness about licker may have been his system; then ag'in it may not; I don't go pryin' none to determine.

"Git out o' my way, you red-headed snipe," answered Billings, making a motion as if to brush him away. "If you don't go off and leave them boys alone I'll belt you over the head with my gun," said Si, raising his musket. "You drunken maverick," answered Billings, trying to brave it out. "I'll have you shot for insultin' and threatenin' your sooperior officer.

Fact is, sir, they hates the British, and thinks they're a sooperior kind o' people altogether. Do you hear, mates? sooperior kind o' people; and there ain't one as could use a knife and fork like a Chrishtian." "And goes birds'-nestin' when they wants soup," said another.

Bein' bigger an' havin' besides the respons'bilities of the hour piled onto them as wheel mules must, they cultivates a sooperior air an is distant an' reserved in their attitoodes towards the other six. As to each other their pose needs more deescription. Tom, the nigh wheeler the one I rides when drivin' is infatyooated with Jerry. I hears a sky-sharp aforetime preach about Jonathan an' David.

He's a-getting into bad habits since your dog's come aboard, sir. Monkeys is a sooperior sort o' animal, and the men's been talking it over." "Talking it over?" "Yes, sir. They says as a monkey's next door to a man. Not as I thinks so." "Then what do you think, Billy?"

Stevens, which had fallen beneath a chair and thus escaped notice. "Why, I indeed, sir," said Mr. Brimberly, stooping to make a fierce clutch at it, "I took the liberty of showing a friend of mine your your picters, sir no offence, I 'ope, sir?" "Friend?" murmured his master. "Name of Stevens, sir, valet to Lord Barberton a most sooperior person indeed, sir!" "Barberton?

Then assoomin' a sooperior air, he remarks: 'Mebby it's a drink back on the trail when I has misgivin's as to the rectitood of this yere brace you're dealin'. Bein' public-sperited that a-way, in my first frenzy I allows I'll take my gun an' abate it a whole lot.

Now let me ask you: be you up on beans? Can you tell a black from a white bean by the feel? "`"No," I says, "beans is all a heap the same to me." ""That's what I allows," goes on this Jim. "Now yere's where my sooperior knowledge gets in. If these Mexicans had let me draw for you I'd fixed it, but it looks like they has scrooples. But listen, an' you beats the deal as it is.

Then he dips 'em full back-handed; an' allers comes up with the back of his hand an' the two fingers covered with pulque. He claps 'em on the bar, eyes you a heap sooperior like he's askin' you to note what a acc'rate, high- grade barkeep he is, an' then raisin' his hand, he slats the pulque off his fingers into the two glasses.