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But, as he bent over her, was a flash of steel, and deep-smitten he staggered back to the great tree and, leaning there, fell into a fit of wild laughter so that the silver dagger-hilt that was shaped like a woman seemed to dance and leap upon his quick-heaving breast; then as he swayed there laughing his life out, he raised his face to the pale moon, and I saw that the face of Black Bartlemy was my own.

Being come to the stream I stood awhile staring down at the hurrying waters, minded to cast myself therein; but presently I turned aside, and coming amid leafy gloom lay there outstretched, my face hidden from the stars and I very full of bitterness, for it seemed that I was as great a rogue and well-nigh as vile as ever Bartlemy had been. And thus merciful sleep found me at last.

"'Aye! says the man Ben, 'when we have found him. Though Bartlemy's a fighting man! "'And being a man can die, Ben. And he once dead we stand his heirs you and I, Ben, I and you! "'Well and good! says Ben. 'But for this treasure where lieth it, and for that matter, Roger, where is Bartlemy?

If you like these franknesses, I can tell you another. Bartholomew's Hospital: a smart gentleman, who was sent with the staff, carried it in the evening, when the Chancellor happened to be drunk. "Well, Mr. Bartlemy," said his lordship, snuffing, "what have you to say?"

But bad habits are not to be conquered as one would pull up weeds: though both must be torn up by the roots, one might weed three gardens in the time it takes to destroy one fault; and so, without really meaning it, Bartlemy at last began to ply his needle less briskly; his thoughts wandered; he took a stitch that was three times too long, then another in a wrong place, a third and fourth all askew, and finally the work came to a dead stand-still.

And he did act like a madman when he did discover that he had stopped the wrong persons, and prated of a reward from the king which he must lose." Old Bartlemy grinned as he listened. Seeing which the innkeeper pounced upon him. "Were these the priest and his novice?" he asked fiercely. "Yea, verily," answered old Bartlemy, proudly. "And they would have been caught but for me.

"Oh, verily!" said she and forthwith began singing in her deep, rich voice: "There's a fine Spanish dame And Joanna's her name Shall follow wherever you go " "Aha, and mark this, Martino: "Till your black heart shall feel Your own cursed steel Black Bartlemy Bartlemy, ho!" "But this was my mother " "Ha she that stabbed and killed the pirate Bartlemy ere he slew her? But she was a Spanish lady."

Wilt thou not once more put on the nurse's garb and come back with me to the White Horse till I can pay the reckoning and get away? After that thou mayest cast it aside and wear it no more." "Nay," replied old Bartlemy, jingling the gold pieces and looking at them with gloating eyes. "Nay, I will put on woman's dress no more." "Not if I pay thee to do so?" "Nay. I have here my fortune.

So things went on, until Bartlemy had earned enough to make quite a fortune in his eyes; ten whole guineas lay glittering in the old night cap where he kept his savings, and the tailor thought he might now set up for a gentleman.

And now, whipping out his dagger, he bent to wipe it on the dead man's shirt, but checked suddenly as a pebble started beneath my foot, and, stooped thus, he glared up beneath thick brows as I rose up with pistol levelled and the moon bright upon my face, whereupon he leaped backwards, uttering a choking cry: "Black Bartlemy by God!" he gasped and let fall his reeking dagger upon the sand; and so we stood staring on each other and with the dead man sprawling betwixt us.