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We fancied that they perceived our embarrassment; but were too proud, or something else, to confess to the secret of it. We had been but too lately in the condition of the noble patient in Argos: Qui se credebat miros audire tragoedos. In vacuo lætus sessor plausorque theatro and could have exclaimed with equal reason against the friendly hands that cured us

Ep. vi.; Mansi, viii. 213-217. Qualiscunque præsulis apostolici debes vocem patienter audire. I.e., Manicheans placed the seat of evil in matter, and Eutycheans denied the materiality of the Lord's body. The Pope alludes to the Emperor's Eutychean doctrine.

FLACCO: L. Valerius Flaccus was the life-long friend of Cato, and his colleague in the consulship and in the censorship. He entirely favored Cato's political views. See Introd. IMPERI DEDECUS: Flamininus was at the time Roman governor of the district. AUDIVI E: Cic. uses audire ex, ab, and de aliquo, almost indifferently. PORRO: 'in turn'; literally 'farther on', here = 'farther back'; cf.

Eoque Regina Saba venit a finibus, hoc est, a longinquis terrae partibus audire sapientiam Salomonis. Generaliter isti de Mauritania Aethiopes comedunt parum, de facili inebriantur, fluxum ventris patiuntur nec diu viuunt. In India infima propter continuum et graue frigus generatur christallum de aqua per gelu, sicut quidam asserunt.

In all kinds of iambic verse the old Romans freely introduced spondees where the Greeks used iambi; so in hexameters spondees for dactyls. Cf. Hor. Ep. ad Pis. 254 et seq. The original meaning would thus be 'give here', and in this sense the word is often used. See Lex. Dare is commonly put for dicere, as accipere is for audire. QUI: 'how'. TANTAM: = οτσαυτην ουσαν.

"Ergo," inquit, "nolo audire." Et quum bis aut ter ei hoc diceret, semper idem respondit. In fine, quum sentiret vestem combustam, iratus ait socio, "Quare non dixisti mihi?" Under the title of "The Phisitian that bare his Paciente in honde that he had eaten an Asse" this jest occurs in Merry Tales and Quicke Answeres, and Professor Crane gives a Sicilian version in his Italian Popular Tales.

AUDIREM: for audire = legendo cognoscere see n. on 20. VELLEM: sc. si possem. DISCEBANT ... ANTIQUI: doubts have been felt as to the genuineness of the clause. In Tusc. 4, 3 a passage of Cato is quoted which refers to the use of the tibia among the ancient Romans; immediately afterwards the antiquity of practice on the fides at Rome is mentioned, though not expressly on Cato's authority.

History of the Forty Viziers; or, The Forty Morns and Forty Eves. Translated from the Turkish, by E.J.W. Gibb, M.R.A.S. London: G. Redway, 1886. A variant of this is found in John Bromyard's Summa Prædicantium, A 26, 34, as follows: Quidam sedebat juxta igneum, cujus vestem ignis intrabat. Dixit socius suus, "Vis audire rumores?" "Ita," inquit, "bonos et non alios." Cui alius, "Nescio nisi malos."

On which, near the head of it, there is a fine old spinning, linen-weaving Town called Zittau, where, to make it memorable, one Tourist has read, on the Town-house, an Inscription worth repeating: 'BENE FACERE ET MALE AUDIRE REGIUM EST, To do good and have evil said of you, is a kingly thing. Other Towns, as Gorlitz, and seventy miles farther the above-said Guben, lie on this same Neisse, shall we add that Herrnhuth stands near the head of it?

Galb. 4 aetate nondum constanti; pro Caelio 41 aetas iam corroborata; Fam. 10, 3, 2 aetas iam confirmata. MATURITAS: 'ripeness', i.e. of intellect or judgment. SUO: G. 295, Rem. 1; H. 449, 2. AUDIRE TE ARBITROR: 'I think that news reaches you'. HOSPES: see n. on 28 orator.

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