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It is assumed by all the disputants in theDe Finibusas the foundation of the inquiry into the summum bonum, thatsapiens semper beatus est.” Not simply that wisdom gives the best chance of happiness, or that wisdom consists in knowing what happiness is, and by what things it is promoted; these propositions would not have been enough for them; but that the sage always is, and must of necessity be, happy.

Academica, an exposition of the New Academic Philosophy, advocating probability rather than certainty as the foundation of philosophy; De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, a work criticising the most prominent views entertained concerning Ethics; Disputationes Tusculanae, treating of certain conditions essential to morality and happiness;

The clergy, being called the church, are supposed to be the real owners of what is called church property; whereas they are in truth only the managing members of a much larger body of proprietors, and enjoy on their own part a mere usufruct, not extending beyond a life interest. The following is a Stoical argument taken from Cicero, De Finibus, book the third: “Quod est bonum, omne laudabile est.

When the cover was removed, the sacrilegious dog of an Amphitryon had put into the dish Cicero's 'De Finibus. 'There is a work all fins! said he. "Atrocious jest!" exclaimed Brandon, solemnly. "Was it not? Whenever the gastronomists set up a religious inquisition, I trust they will roast every impious rascal who treats the divine mystery with levity. Pun upon cooking, indeed!

J.F. Meckel, in his Experimenta de Finibus Vasorum, published at Berlin, 1772, mentions his discovery of a communication of a lymphatic vessel with the gastric branch of the vena portarum. It is possible, that when the motion of the lymphatic becomes retrograde in some diseases, that blood may obtain a passage into it, where it anastomoses with the vein, and thus be poured into the intestines.

I do not say greedy enjoyment, voluntade, but I write it with a p, voluptate, that is, delight or pleasure free from pain; and therefore between pleasure and pain no mean was placed. He said that pleasure was no other than no pain; as Tullius seems to say in the first chapter De Finibus.

Then, as if realising that his true work in life was to mould his native language into a vehicle of abstract thought, he sets to work with amazing swiftness and copiousness to reproduce a whole series of Greek philosophical treatises, in a style which, for flexibility and grace, recalls the Greek of the best period the De Finibus, the Academics, the Tusculans, the De Natura Deorum, the De Divinatione, the De Officiis.

Cicero was an eclectic, seizing on what was true and clear in the ancient systems, and disregarding what was simply a matter of speculation. This is especially seen in his treatise "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum," in which the opinions of all the Grecian schools concerning the supreme good are expounded and compared.

'And yet, sir, I cannot but marvel that you, Colonel, whom I noted to have so much of the amor patritz when we met in Edinburgh as even to vilipend other countries, should have chosen to establish your Lares, or household gods, procul a patrice finibus, and in a manner to expatriate yourself.

When I reached Gibraltar I found that many people knew La Rollona, but that she was either dead or had gone ad finibus terroe,* and, to my mind, her disappearance explained the failure of our correspondence with Carmen. I stabled my donkey, and began to move about the town, carrying my oranges as though to sell them, but in reality looking to see whether I could not come across any face I knew.

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