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"Why, as they all come away from the church where they'd been a-doin' of it, sir I met the little, old Doochess in 'er coach, an' she see me, too. 'Why it's the little Giant! she sez. 'Best respex, mam, I sez, an' then I see as she'd got Lady Cleone wiv 'er a fine, 'igh-steppin', 'andsome young filly, I call 'er, an' no error. 'Where are you goin', Giant? sez the Doochess.

"I want to make him drunk. I want to make you drunk if you like. I want to make him drunk here." "Spoke very 'andsome. I'll do what I can." He went out towards the water that lapped at the foot of the street. I gathered from the pot-boy that he was a person of influence beyond Admirals. In a few minutes I heard the noise of an advancing crowd, and the voice of Mr. Wessels.

'It is entirely characteristic of the means men will stoop to use in opposing the Women's Cause. To hoots and groans and laughter the tam-o'-shanter disappeared. 'Rank Socialists every one of 'em! was one of the verdicts that flew about. 'They ought all to be locked up. 'A danger to the public peace. A man circulating about on the edge of the crowd was calling out, ''Andsome souvenir.

We ran out into the passage and brought in everyone we could find, servants and charwoman included. Then they made remarks, and we stood and listened. The cook said, "My, Miss Lorna, wouldn't the pattern go round?" The charwoman said, "I like a bit of gilding meself. It looks 'andsome."

"A shadder as moved, although the leaves vos all dead still. "Good Lord!" exclaimed the fussy gentleman. "'Stand an' deliver! roars the masked man, so my feyther, cocking 'is heye at the pistols, pulls up, an' there 'e is, starin' down at the 'ighvayman, an' the 'ighvayman staring up at 'im. 'You 're 'Andsome 'Arry, ain't you? sez the 'ighvayman.

He talks only a blooming jargon fit for snakes and spiders and that like." Nick laughed agreeably, having a request on his tongue's end. "He has moved his beastly den o' reptiles into my cellar to stay till next season, sir, a 'orror I'd not stand for a minute, so I wouldn't, only he pays me very 'andsome for the same." "Then he intends remaining here all summer, does he?"

It's a different 'ouse with you in it!" Bottomley said. Pilgrim, rocking to and fro, clasped Harriet's hand to her breast, and beamed. With no further preamble Harriet announced Isabelle's death. The servants were naturally shocked. There were a few moments of ejaculatory and sorrowful surprise. Her that was so young and so 'andsome, and went off so bold and high!

Trained to it, ye see. I bet his master wot taught 'im that's sold him time and again, makin' a good figure every time, for 'e was a 'andsome dawg as ever I see. Trained the dawg to open the door and bunk 'ome. See? Clever, I call it." "It's a mean trick," said Dickie when Beale told him of the loss of the dog; "that's what I call it. I'm sorry you've lost the dog."

"How on his account?" demanded Barnabas, frowning suddenly. "Vell, last evening, Milo o' Crotona, a pal o' Nick's, and a werry promising bye 'e is too, 'appened to drop in sociable-like, and it seems as Number Two followed 'im. And werry much Number Two frightened that 'andsome gal, by all accounts. She wrote you a letter, vich she give me to deliver, and 'ere it is."

I'm glad to see you. The sight o' your 'andsome phiz allys does me good." "I wish I could return the compliment, Terry. But your cracked skull is by no means a pleasing spectacle. How came you by the hurt, eh?" "How did I come by it? that's a nate question. Why, honestly enouch. It was lent me by a countryman o' mine; but I paid him back in his own coin ha! ha!" "A countryman of yours, Terry?"