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Updated: January 17, 2025
Then, without further remark, he drew his dagger and plunged it into his breast up to the hilt. The captain of the gendarmerie saw the movement without being in time to prevent it. He spurred his horse toward Morgan, who, to his own amazement and that of every one else, remained standing. But Morgan, drawing a pistol from his belt and cocking it, exclaimed: "Stop!
Plunkett was sound asleep; but while she was eating her buns the dog came most good-naturedly and stood before her, cocking his head sideways, and putting on a most engaging expression, so that they lunched together, and Betty left off nearly as hungry as she began.
Swithin put his thumbs within the armholes of his waistcoat, and replied: "Ann's getting very shaky; she ought to have a doctor!" "Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forsyte!" Nicholas Forsyte, cocking his rectangular eyebrows, wore a smile. He had succeeded during the day in bringing to fruition a scheme for the employment of a tribe from Upper India in the gold-mines of Ceylon.
Something fell on the floor with a sharp tap, and stopped the shriek on the verge of his lips. What was it? Another tap. Something was bobbing briskly across the floor. He picked it up. It was a pebble, and must have come through the window. Cocking his pistol, he rose. "Down't shoot," said a low voice.
Dirt don't stick to you as to me and the meal man. Duclosse there used to look like a pie when the meal and sweat dried on him. When we reach Paris, and His Excellency gets his own, I'll take to charcoal again; I'll fill the palace cellars. That suits me better than chalk and washing every day." "Do you think we'll ever get to Paris?" asked the mealman, cocking his head seriously.
"I wonder how many thousand times I've been up here." "Are you so very old, Dudu?" said Jeanne, "as old as the white lady?" "I daresay," said Dudu, vaguely he seemed to be thinking to himself. "Yes," he continued, cocking his head on one side, "I suppose I am what you would call very old, though the white lady would consider me quite a baby. Yes, I've seen queer things in my time."
He responded by cocking his rifle and saying that I could go alone and be damned to me, but I could not take any horse. I answered "all right," that if I could not I could not, and began to move around to get some flour and salt pork.
It is in this part that I best remember him; tall, slender, with a not ungraceful stoop; looking quite like a refined gentleman, and quite like an urbane adventurer; smiling with an engaging ambiguity; cocking at you one peaked eyebrow with a great appearance of finesse; speaking low and sweet and thick, with a touch of burr; telling strange tales with singular deliberation and, to a patient listener, excellent effect.
'Well, that'll do, said Sponge; 'you tell the groom here to have the hack saddled for me at nine o'clock, and you ride Multum in Parvo quietly on, either to the meet or till I overtake you. 'But how am I to get back to Lucksford? asked Leather, cocking up a foot to show how thinly he was shod. 'Oh, just as you can, replied Sponge; 'get the groom here to set you down with his master's hacks.
The darkish disc visible behind the evergreen leaves could be no other than the body of the deer; and Karl was just about cocking his rifle, to bore it with a bullet, when the click of Caspar's double-barrel sounding ominously in his ear, fortunately conducted to a far different denouement than that fatal finale which was so near having occurred. The signal of the Shikaree.
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