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What d'ye want barbed wire when you're advancin' for?" "Look here...I'll bet you a bottle of cognac my company had more losses than yourn did." "Tek him up, Joe," said Toby, suddenly showing an interest in the conversation. "All right, it's a go." "We had fifteen killed and twenty wounded," announced the engineer triumphantly. "How badly wounded?" "What's that to you? Hand over the cognac?"

You ought to hev seen them scamper, Mr. Fair. They run ort as tho Satun hisself was arter them with a red hot ten pronged pitchfork. In five minits the premises was clear. "How kin I ever repay you, Mr. Ward, for your kindness?" sed Old Abe, advancin and shakin me warmly by the hand. "How kin I ever repay you, sir?" "By givin the whole country a good, sound administration.

What for should they " "Look now!" he breaks in. "There!" They're advancin' in single file, slow and stealthy, and gazin' around cautious. Mainly they seem to be watchin' the back fire-escapes of the flat buildin' next door, but now and then one of 'em turns and glances towards the old house they've just left.

For those who like this war, it's just such a kind of war as they like. I'll bet ye. My wife says so too. If the Federal army succeeds in takin' Washington, and they seem to be advancin' that way pretty often, I shall say it is strategy, and Washington will be safe. My wife says so too.

And though for some time tables and chairs, and even beds and bureaus had a way of advancin' up towards us and then retreatin' away from us over and over, yet as I say terry wuz considerable more firmy than the deck had been.

"An' so, while all the country 'round was advancin' up in the mount'ns, fifty years ago, we were livin' jes' like pioneers. An' some, not bein' able to keep up the strain, fell back." "So it really isn't the fault of the mountaineers at all," cried the boy, "but because they were sort of marooned." "It was unfortunate," replied the old man, "but it really was our own fault.

Aronette, like a little angel of Help, fixin' the cushions under our feet, brushin' the dust offen her mistresses dresses, or pickin' up my stitches when in my agitation or the jigglin' of the cars I dropped 'em, and a perfect Arabian Night's entertainer to Tommy, who worshipped her, when I hearn a exclamation from Tommy, and the car door shet, and I looked round and see a young man and woman advancin' down the isle.

He shoved a pudgy hand into a pocket of his white trousers. "I reckin this detail kin be arranged. Here, Peep" he extended his hand "here's your dollar." Then, as the other drew back, stammering a refusal, he hastily added: "No, no, no; go ahead and take it it's yours. I'm jest advancin' it to you out of whut'll be comin' to you shortly.

"Apples, at such a time as this;" sez Miss Tutt "When the slumberin' world trembles before the advancin' tread of a new poet When the heavens are listenin' intently to ketch the whispers of an Ardelia's fate Sweet apples! in such a time as this!" sez she. But she took two. "I demand the truth," sez she. "And you are a base, trucklin' coward, if you give it not."

And I gathered up the folds of my cotton umbrell more gracefully in my left hand, and kinder shook out the drapery of my alpaca skirt, and wuz jest advancin' to accost him, when Josiah laid holt of my arm and whispered in a sharp axent "I won't have it. You hain't a-goin' to stop and visit with that man." I faced him with dignity and with some madness in my liniment, and sez I, "Why?"