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And I ain't trucklin' to yer for myself, for ez far ez me and your'n ez concerned," he continued, with a malevolent glance, "thar ain't gold enough in Caleforny to mak the weddin' ring that could hitch me and Cress together. I want to tell you that you're bein' played; that you're bein' befooled and bamboozled and honey-fogled.

"So ye've bin craw-fishin' agin?" said Maggie, in her deepest and most scornful contralto. "Who's craw-fishin'?" he retorted, angrily. "What's this backen out o' what you said yesterday? What's all this trucklin' to the Fort now?" "What? Well now, look yer," said Jim, rising suddenly, with reproachful indignation, "darned if I don't jest tell ye everythin'. I promised HIM I wouldn't.

'I'll tell that to Mr Attwater, replied Huish, stepping briskly on the ladder. 'I don't tell it to you, because you played the trucklin' sneak. Here's a letter for him: tyke it, and give it, and be 'anged to you! 'Davis, is this all right? said Herrick. Davis raised his chin, glanced swiftly at Herrick and away again, and held his peace.

I ask nothin' hard of you, I only ask that you demand, demand is the right word, not ask; that would be grovelin' trucklin' folly, but demand that the public that has long ignored my daugther Ardelia's claim to a seat amongst the immortal poets, demand them, compel them to pause, to listen, and then seat her there, up, up on the highest, most perpendiciler pinnacle of fame's pillow.

And that's the kind o' 'honest roof' that that thar 'poor defenseless girl' got under when her crippled mother died three weeks ago, and left Harry free. It was by 'trucklin'' to them 'mean prejudices, and readin' that thar 'foolish paragraph, that I settled this thing then and thar!"

Attwater," replied Huish, stepping briskly on the ladder. "I don't tell it to you, because you played the trucklin' sneak. Here's a letter for him: tyke it, and give it, and be 'anged to you!" "Davis, is this all right?" said Herrick. Davis raised his chin, glanced swiftly at Herrick and away again, and held his peace.

"Apples, at such a time as this;" sez Miss Tutt "When the slumberin' world trembles before the advancin' tread of a new poet When the heavens are listenin' intently to ketch the whispers of an Ardelia's fate Sweet apples! in such a time as this!" sez she. But she took two. "I demand the truth," sez she. "And you are a base, trucklin' coward, if you give it not."