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'He can't live a week, the doctor says, pursued Mr. Bumble. 'He is the master of this establishment; his death will cause a wacancy; that wacancy must be filled up. Oh, Mrs. Corney, what a prospect this opens! What a opportunity for a jining of hearts and housekeepings! Mrs. Corney sobbed. 'The little word? said Mr. Bumble, bending over the bashful beauty.

He stood there watching them filing out into the corridor, craning their necks to throw him a last look, and as he turned then and looked from the window it was to see that the storm had sobbed itself away, and that along the driveway of the reformatory grounds the young trees unbroken and unhurt were rearing their heads in the way they should go.

"'Tain't the pain, Davy, 'tain't the pain at all," sobbed the child. "What is it then, youngster? Come now, tell your own Davy what's troubling you, there's a good boy." "David, how long is it since mother was taken away from us? It seems so long. I was thinkin' of mother, Davy, and wishing she was here with us this night."

"Dear aunt Lucy!" said Fleda, straining her closer and with her very heart gushing out at these words, "dear aunty Christ came for just such sinners! for just such as you and I." "You," said Mrs. Rossitur, but speech failed utterly, and with a muttered prayer that Fleda would help her, she sunk her head upon her shoulder and sobbed herself into quietness, or into exhaustion.

Oh, Cousin Polly, if if I had one like that, I don't think I 'd mind even these much," she choked, patting the crutches that supported her. Polly Ann had sighed then, and had almost sobbed aloud as she disdainfully eyed her own thin little purse, whose contents would scarcely have bought the gown that Miss Dolly wore.

I drew away Blanche, and we descended the stairs noiselessly; and not till we were on our favorite spot, amidst a heap of ruins on the feudal justice-hill, did I seek to kiss away her tears and ask the cause. "My poor brother!" sobbed Blanche, "they must have been his, and we shall never, never see him again! and poor papa's Bible, which he reads when he is very, very sad!

He could see the frigate, faint indeed and far, stately-pacing towards her doom; he could see the mast of the lugger, Grenadier-guarded, and those leagues of shining waste between the two. Where was help? An awful darkness drowned his heart. He shut the telescope with a snap. "We're beat," he sobbed. The other gripped his arm. "If we're beat, England's beat.

I don't want to do anything to make you feel bad." "Oh," sobbed Carrie, "oh, oh oo o!" "There, there," he said, "you mustn't cry. Won't you listen to me? Listen to me a minute, and I'll tell you why I came to do this thing. I couldn't help it. I assure you I couldn't. Won't you listen?" Her sobs disturbed him so that he was quite sure she did not hear a word he said. "Won't you listen?" he asked.

Argutis was at home again, but he had not found Alexander, for the poor youth has to hide himself as if he were a murderer." And again she sobbed; nor was it till Melissa had soothed her with kind speeches that she could go on with her story. Philip had learned yesterday where Alexander was concealed, so he undertook to go across the lake and inform him of what had occurred.

"I'm pretty nigh scart to death of 'em," she sobbed. "I reckon you can give 'em an earful when you git down there," said the Cap'n, "when you tell 'em that you've been engaged to her for fifteen years. But it ain't none surprisin' that men that hear of that engagement should most natch'ally conclude that a woman would like to git married after a while.