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Then he uncovered the little box, and two small rings were exposed to view one a heavy gold band, the other set with a whole pearl of unusual size and purity. "Poor Mona!" he almost sobbed, as he touched them with reverent fingers. "I shall never be reconciled to your sad fate, and I cannot bring myself to tell your child the whole truth, at least not now.

It may not have been this unfortunate young man's fault in the least " "'Tisn't that I'm crying for at all," sobbed Mrs. Twomey, a deplorable little figure, her head bent down, while she wiped violently and alternately her nose and her eyes in her sacking apron. "About what? said Dick, who was being bored. "About your Honour!" returned Mrs. Twomey, in a sort of roar.

Jack's under lip curved in the manner which betokens tears ready to be shed. "Nun-nothing," he sobbed. "I was just k-kicking a goal, and that picture got in the way." Jarley looked for the picture that had got in the way, and at once perceived that it would never get in the way again, since it was irretrievably ruined.

"You can read your part, the first time," said some one. I could see that she was trembling so that she could neither speak nor open her part, and that she had entirely forgotten the words and I had just made up my mind to go up and say something to her when she suddenly dropped down on her knees in the middle of the stage and sobbed loudly. There was a general stir and uproar.

When she entered the parlour, where as yet no candles had been lighted, she saw and knew nothing till she found herself clasped to a bosom heaving with emotion. 'Forgive me, Dorothy, sobbed lady Margaret. 'I have done thee wrong. But thou wilt love me yet again wilt thou not, Dorothy? 'Madam! madam ! was all Dorothy could answer, kissing her hands.

Then, for more than an hour, he wandered with erring feet through the tangled undergrowth, till at last, overcome by fatigue, he lay down in a narrow space between two rocks, within a few yards of the stream and still grasping his toy sword, no longer a weapon but a companion, sobbed himself to sleep.

I remained a minute in this state, when I felt that Sarah touched my other listless hand. "Jacob!" she would have said, but before half my name was out she burst into tears, and sobbed on my shoulder. My heart was too much surcharged not to take the infection my grief found vent, and I mingled my sobs with those of the affectionate girl.

Then he stood away, breathing fast. "Now whose gel are you, Joan Carver?" he asked her. "You know I'm yours, Pierre," she sobbed. "You got no need to tie me to make me say that." "I got to tie you to make you do more'n say it. I got to make sure you are it. Hell-fire won't take the sureness out of me after this." She turned her head, all that she could turn.

You'll find it more satisfactory to buy a wedding bouquet than a funeral wreath!" "Oh!" shuddered the two ladies in one breath. "How horrible! How cowardly!" And then, feeling that her last hope had gone, Lady Chepstow broke into a fit of violent weeping and laid her head on Ailsa's shoulder. "Oh, my baby! My darling baby boy!" she sobbed.

Stop crying. We're going to let bygones be bygones, and try and turn over a new leaf. But what the Mole says is quite true. The stoats are on guard, at every point, and they make the best sentinels in the world. It's quite useless to think of attacking the place. They're too strong for us. 'Then it's all over, sobbed the Toad, crying into the sofa cushions.