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He wouldn't accept money, but he can't refuse a present. I want it to be something characteristic of the country, Like a prayer rug, or a scimitar, or an illuminated Koran, or..." Somewhat doubtfully, somewhat sheepishly, Stetson drew from his pocket a flat morocco case and opened it. "What's the matter with one of these?" he asked.

Whereupon the tinker turned his head and grinned sheepishly toward the south. The far-away hills had gathered in the last of the sun unto themselves when the two turned down the main street of a village. It was unquestionably a self-respecting village.

His speech was well-larded with americanisms, "but," said I, "the true twang is wanting, and," added I, laughing, "I should know you for Hampshire for all your reckons and guesses if I had to eat you should I be mistaken." "The press-gang's the best friend the Yankees has," said he a little sheepishly. "Do any man suppose I hadn't sooner hail from my native town Southampton than from New Bedford?

"I wish you'd give me something to eat. I'm frightfully hungry," Nikolay cried out unexpectedly, and smiled sheepishly. "Granny, there's bread on the shelf give it to him. Then go out in the corridor, to the second door on the left, and knock. A woman will open it, and you'll tell her to snatch up everything she has to eat and come here." "Why everything?" protested Nikolay. "Don't get excited.

Kendall turned to them and said: "The flop picked itself up. You go on back, we seem to be all in one piece yet. Douglass, you didn't get any readings, did you?" Sheepishly, Douglass grinned at him. "Eh er no but I tore my pants. The magnetic field grabbed me and I jumped. They had some steel buttons, and a lot of steel keys they're kinda' hard to keep on now."

Go into the next room, and wait for your cue. I'll bet any sum that you'll never get the cue. If you do, be sure to make a quick entrance." He looked long at her and sighed, but made no pretense to move. She rose, and pointed to the third room of the suite. Sheepishly, moodily, in silent protest, he obeyed the gesture and went out humbly.

He accosted Caius, perhaps a little sheepishly, but with an obvious desire to be civil, for he had a favour to ask which he evidently considered of greater magnitude than Caius did when he heard what it was. Day's wife was ill. The doctor of the locality had said more than once that she would not live many days, but she had gone on living some time, it appeared, since this had been first said.

"The boys have taken all the boats, and left the vessel," replied Bitts. "Left the vessel!" exclaimed Mr. Fluxion. "Were you asleep on deck?" "No, sir. Half a dozen of them hung me by the neck till I was nearly choked to death," pleaded the carpenter. "Where was Cleats?" "I stepped below for half a minute, and they clapped the slide on over me," answered Cleats, very sheepishly.

And one day a lorry, piled high with boxes, rolled and thumped down the street, and halted by René. "Rather think we are lost," explained the driver, grinning sheepishly at René. There were four boys in khaki on the truck, and not a word of French among them. Sara Lee, who rolled her own bandages now, heard the speech and came out. "Good gracious!" she said, and gave an alarmed glance at the sky.

"Have I!" said Dexter sheepishly, as he stared helplessly at his companion. "Have yer? Yes; of course yer have," cried Bob angrily. "Ain't to be trusted for a moment. You're always a-going to sleep. Whatcher been and done with that there boat!" "Done with the boat?" "I haven't done anything with the boat." "Then where is it?" "Fastened up to that old tree." "Oh, is it!" cried Bob derisively.