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Find Sam and fetch him here." Ben bowed. "Yassah. Right away, sah." Lee turned to his guest genially. "I'm going to ask you to witness what I'm about to do, Ruffin. And you mustn't take offense. We differ about Slavery and politics in the abstract, but whatever our differences on the surface, you are an old Virginia planter and I trust we shall always be friends."

His eyes, however, seemed to smolder with an emotion of which Kid Wolf could only guess the nature. The Spaniard's face was that of a hypnotist, with its thin, high-bridged nose and its chilling, penetrating gaze. "Your name, señor?" "Kid Wolf, from Texas, sah." Spanish governors of that day had no reason to like gunmen from the Lone Star State.

"And the little boy you say has been under the care of the old woman ever since," remarked Dr. Humphries. "Yes sah," Elsy replied, "but she want you to take him away from her, so dat he may be under a white pusson, and das de reason why she been here wantin' to see you bout it." "Very well," said. Dr.

On the contrary, every wrinkle was twisted into curls and curves of hilarity. He even went so far during dinner as to correct his master in so slight a detail as to where Captain Loynes was hit in the famous duel between the colonel's father and that distinguished Virginian. "Are you shore, Chad, it was in the leg?" "Yes, sah, berry sho.

"Never mind, Ben," Edward answered kindly, "you couldn't have gone for her, because she gave me no address, and I have not the least idea where to send for her." "Den what am to be done, sah?" "We will have to sail without her. I could not think of asking my sister to wait for the next steamer," Edward said, more as if thinking aloud than talking to Ben.

"But afterward it got mixed in the shifting, and it's back in the yard I don't know just where." Adair turned to the cowering porter. "Have you any more cartridges for this cannon of yours, Williams?" he asked. "N-n-no, sah." "Then we have three more chances in the hat. Much obliged for the dynamite hint, Stuart. I'll herd these three cartridges pretty carefully.

"Yais, sah, Massa Tom, heah I is!" answered the voice of the negro, but it came from an entirely different direction than that in which the shadowy figure had been seen. "Where are you, Rad?" called the young inventor. "Right heah," was the reply, and the colored man came from the direction of the stable. "I were jest out seein' if mah mule Boomerang were all right.

"I can sympathize with you," said Jack. During the morning Percival saw Bucephalus alone, and said to him, holding one hand behind his back: "Was it your idea to keep guard last night, Buck?" "No, sah, Ah was ready to do it, 'cause young Mistah Smith done offah me a dollah fo' de service, but de doctah done intimate dat he t'ought it would be judicious."

Enyhow, we bin movin' lon' now right smart fer 'bout four hours, an' Rassuer Creek am just 'round dat p'int yonder Ah's mighty sure ob dat, sah." He was right, but it was broad daylight when we reached there, the eastern sky a glorious crimson, and the girl sitting up, staring at the brilliant coloring as though it pictured to her the opening of a new world.

"Do you know where General Daniel Carvel lives?" "Yes, sah, reckon I does. I Street, sah. Jump right in, sah." Virginia sank back on the stuffy cushions of the rattle-trap, and then sat upright again and stared out of the window at the dismal scene. They were splashing through a sea of mud. Ever since they had left St.