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"I pray you, reverend Mere Superior," said Amelie, "permit us now to go into the Chapel of Saints to lay our hearts, as did our kinswoman, Madelaine de Repentigny, at the feet of our Lady of Grand Pouvoir." "Go, my children, and our prayers shall go with you," replied the Superior; "the lamp of Repentigny will burn brighter than ever to-night to welcome you."

We see naught before us now but the image of our Lady of Grand Pouvoir illumined by the lamp of Repentigny, but the sun of righteousness will yet arise with healing on his wings for us all! But oh, my children, let nothing be done hastily, rashly, or unbecoming the daughters of our honorable house." The chant of vespers had long ceased.

J'aurais ete, en effet, fort heureux de pouvoir causer avec vous de toutes les graves questions qui se posent aujourd'hui devant nous, tant a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur.

Je vous remercie infiniment de votre lettre du 21 et je me rejouis bien de penser que nous aurons probablement votre visite ici au mois de juillet. Je vous remercie de l'intention que vous m'exprimez d'arranger vos projets de maniere a pouvoir venir en France a cette epoque. I see Mr. Gladstone has not been afraid of the fatigue you thought would be too much for him.

«Il y a quelques-uns de ces trous d'où l'on voit confusément le lieu finit cette chûte d'eau effroyable; la rivière qui en provient n'offre plus qu'un foible ruisseau, dont le cours presqu'insensible se perd parmi les plantes qui croissent sur ses bords; ainsi disparoissent dans l'éloignement les masses les plus énormes: quelques espèces de perroquets et d'autres oiseaux de pays chauds, qui habite cette vallée profonde et inabordable de ce côté, s'élèvent assez quelquefois pour pouvoir être remarqués d'en-haut; mais le froid subit de ces montagnes qu'ils craignent, est une obstacle invincible qu'ils ne franchissent jamais: pour jouir commodément de ce point de vue,

To imagine them chargeable with all the guilt and folly of their own actions, is to be very little acquainted with the world. De l'absolu pouvoir vous ignorez l'yvresse, Et du lache flateur la voix enchanteresse. Thou hast not known the giddy whirls of fate, Nor servile flatteries which enchant the great.

She remembered that now and she set her teeth. "Vouloir c'est pouvoir." She had proved the saying true again and again; she must prove it true to-night. She willed her release; she would somehow obtain it. Directly she finished the Etude she got up from the piano. "You play that wonderfully well," Dion said, with a sort of hard recognition of her merit, but with no enthusiasm.

I know I have never seen him anywhere outside his own house, and it was a great surprise to see him now. We once ventured to invite him and his wife to dinner one evening, when the Prince and Princess Metternich were dining with us; and we got this answer: "Merci, de votre invitation pour ma femme et moi. Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir l'accepter.

Hamerton's indignation; the more so as he never for one moment believed the discourteous and outrageous letter to be genuine. I transcribe his explanation of the incident as given by himself to his son-in-law: "Novembre 17, 1890. "MON CHER FILS, Il m'est arrive de pouvoir, je crois, etre utile au maintien des bonnes relations entre les marines anglaises et francaises.

The ends that he sets before himself are those which Comte set before the human race, "savoir pour prévoir, afin de pouvoir: induire pour déduire, afin de construire." The desire to make things, to build things up, to control ways and means, to master the resources of Nature, to put his knowledge of her laws and facts to a practical use, is strong in his soul.