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The ends that he sets before himself are those which Comte set before the human race, "savoir pour prévoir, afin de pouvoir: induire pour déduire, afin de construire." The desire to make things, to build things up, to control ways and means, to master the resources of Nature, to put his knowledge of her laws and facts to a practical use, is strong in his soul.

Je persiste dans ce projet, weather permitting; c'est-a-dire sauf le cas de tempete que l'on est bien force de prevoir avec une pareille saison. A bientot donc, s'il plait a Dieu. Je finis mieux que je ne commence, et je vous serre la main. From the Duc d'Aumale Chantilly, 26 juillet. J'essaye de chasser par le travail les preoccupations qui m'obsedent. Je n'y reussis pas toujours.

As he says: "Cette operation se fit en presence de quelques personnes a qui j'en avais annonce d'avance le resultat, dans l'intention de leur prouver par le fait la justice de nos theories zoologiques; puisque le vrai cachet d'une theorie est sans contredit la faculte qu'elle donne de prevoir les phenomenes."

When we inquire into causes we desire to hasten or hinder the effect, or to change it as we wish, or at least to anticipate it in order to make our preparations accordingly. Such foresight and control of events can be attained only through a knowledge of their laws, their order of succession, their phenomenal causes. Savoir pour prévoir.

This point of view has next to be correlated with corresponding practical experience acquired by practical civic life, but "aiming at a larger and more orderly conception of civic action.".... Students of Comte will not forget his well-known maxim, Savoir pour prévoir, afin de pourvoir. What is to be the area of survey? Prof. Geddes decides that the City may be taken "as the integrate of study."

"I thank you, Pelham," said Vincent, interrupting me; "till we meet in public as enemies, we are friends in private I desire no more. Farewell." Il vaut mieux employer notre esprit a supporter les infortunes qui nous arrivent, qu'a prevoir celle qui nous peuvent arriver. Rochefoucault.

"I thank you, Pelham," said Vincent, interrupting me; "till we meet in public as enemies, we are friends in private I desire no more. Farewell." Il vaut mieux employer notre esprit a supporter les infortunes qui nous arrivent, qu'a prevoir celle qui nous peuvent arriver. Rochefoucault.

As he says, the knowledge which mankind, even in the earliest ages, chiefly pursued, being that which they most needed, was foreknowledge: "savoir, pour prevoir." When they sought for the cause, it was mainly in order to control the effect or if it was uncontrollable, to foreknow and adapt their conduct to it.