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I dare say Miss Porter was sincere, for a moment later she continued, poutingly: "And yet I used to go to fires in Sacramento when I was only ten years old. I saw the theatre burnt down. Nobody found fault with me then." Something made Cass ask if her father and mother objected to her boyish tastes. The reply was characteristic if not satisfactory, "Object? I'd like to see them do it."

Antoine! turn back and drive to the village. Mademoiselle goes now along with us." His allusions if they pained did not soften her, but it was at Ringfield she continued to look. "I shall have no place to stay," she said poutingly. "It's a pity you came at all," said the doctor. "They can find you a room at Poussette's." "I will die sooner than go to that man's house.

That sad little monstrosity was walking toward him stood next to him in compromising intimacy was saying poutingly: "When are you going to pay me a visit again?" Frederick made some inconsequential reply. Necks in standing collars, bare throats encircled with gold chains and pearls turned toward the captain's table. Frederick could not recall ever having had an experience so painfully humiliating.

Our good Rabbi, and my father's Manager both must hurry back, and we others with them. This being so, I appeal to Your Lordship's Majesty ". "A personal appeal?" "Yes" poutingly. "Then, I grant an audience". "Where?" "Here". "Who will be here?" "Why you and I." "No" very low, with pressed lips. "I am so sorry", says he: "it is the only chance I shall have; not for long a few minutes I am so busy.

"Then why don't you stay where you can see it?" she asked poutingly. "Because, as I told you, I want to make money so that when I go into Mr. Switzer's office I can support you and the others " He stopped, surprised by his words. "The others? What others?" asked the girl. That was a hard question to answer, and he undertook it very lamely.

Miss Keene raised her eyes to Senor Perkins with a pretty impatience that she sometimes indulged in, as one of the privileges of accepted beauty and petted youth. "I don't think much of your peninsula," she said poutingly. "It looks dreadfully flat and uninteresting. It was a great deal nicer on the other coast, or even at sea."

And Josephine, taking the cat out of its basket and kissing its whiskers and the top of its head, was condoling with it on its long restraint: "Quelle barbarie, ma poupée, quelle barbarie, ma douce mignonne," she poutingly babbled. Alexander MacLeod paused to listen to this affectionate motherly discourse; then glanced up at his wife with a smile, to call her attention to it. She had not moved.

"Yes; and when you know him, you must learn exactly how he is getting along; how he lives; whether he is well, and comfortable, and happy, or the reverse, and all that. In fact, I want a complete report of how he fares." "Upon my soul, you must be deeply interested in the man," said Larcher, somewhat poutingly.

One way to flatter some women is to berate those whom they despise or fear. Elizabeth loved Dorothy better for the hatred which the girl bore to Mary. Both stood upon a broad plane of mutual sympathy-jealousy of the same woman. It united the queen and the maiden in a common heart-touching cause. Dorothy's confidence grew apace. "She is plain," replied Dorothy, poutingly.

Nellie was in favor of deferring the ride, but others of the party, who did not care so much for Mr. De Vere's society objected, and poutingly tying on her hat, the young lady took her seat beside her aunt, who was scarcely less chagrined than herself at their disappointment.