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I done worked on lizards in de laigs, but I nebber had no 'casion to treat a cricket in de laig. Looks lak de cricket is a more persistent animal dan de lizard. 'Sides, ez I signify afore, dis heah case ob yourn ain't no ordinary case." "Why why ain't it?" Gordon Lee stammered apprehensively. Aunt Kizzy lifted a bony black hand, and shook her turbaned head ominously.

"Mass' George shoot um duck, Pomp cook um; same Pomp cook and make de cake at home. Pomp fader nebber cook. Pomp cook de fis, and de yam, and make um hominy. Pomp berry clebber 'deed, Mass' George. Ah, you try burn you 'tick an' tummle in de fire, would you, sah? No, you don't! You 'top dah an' get rock nice for Mass' George."

Dat nigger won't nebber learn discreshun," he continued, wiping his fingers carefully on a flaming red handkerchief which he drew from his breeches pocket. Peter grunted an unintelligible reply, and the next moment the vehicle pulled up sharply at the door; the cessation of its clatter being immediately followed by the entrance of a negro lad, some eighteen years of age.

"An' an' de ol' Jedge, he nebber done set her free?" "No; nor the mother. I do not know why, only that it is a fact." "An' now she done b'long ter dis yere Massa Kirby?" "Yes, he won all the Beaucaire property, including the slaves, in a poker game on the river, the night Beaucaire died." "Ah done heered all 'bout dat, sah. An' yer nebber know'd dis yere girl afore et all?"

Do not let snake stories deter you from visiting this wonderful and beautiful place, the Lake of the Dismal Swamp. As the boat was being driven along, the driver said: "Boss, did I nebber told you about de big watermillion that Mars. Caleb Busby foun' near dis place?" "No; let me hear something about it." "Well, sir, I will tole you. One day as Mars.

And she walked downstairs like any queen, so she did, and dat was de las' as ebber I see ob my ladyship." Here Katie paused for breath. Ishmael made a sign to Judge Merlin not to speak. Then Katie went on. "I goed to de dressin' room; and I waited and waited hour arter hour, but my ladyship she nebber come.

"Done ye good, den; nebber seen ye I look so nice afore." "You'd look nicer'n I do if you were only dressed up," said Dab. "Just you put on these." "Golly!" exclaimed the black boy. But he seized the bundle Dab threw him, and he had it open in a twinkling. "Any t'ing in de pockets?" he asked. "Guess not," said Dab; "but there's lots of room." "Say dar was," exclaimed Dick.

"Nebber mind, ole marse! he no call for to take de trouble. I done said all I gwine to say and now I gwine to shut up my mouf tight. I'd scorn to hit a man arter he's down," said Katie, bridling with a lofty assumption of magnanimity. And as she really did shut her mouth fast, the point of expulsion was not pressed. "And noo, lad, naething remains but to send you back," said Sir Alexander.

What den?" "Suppose," retorted the guide, "that an earthquake should swallow up South America, or that the world should catch fire what then?" "Why den, we no care a buttin for not'ing arter dat," replied the negro, promptly, "but if you don' return, we nebber reach Buenos Ayres." "Never fear, Quashy. If I don't return, Spotted Tiger will guide you safely there."

"I wish Massa Horace could see her now. I'se sure he nebber say such cruel tings no more." "He ought surely to be here! You have sent for him, Adelaide?" Mrs. Travilla said inquiringly. "She is very ill, and it is of great importance that her mind should be set at rest, if indeed it can be done at present." "I wrote this morning," Adelaide said, "and I shall write every day until he comes."