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"Na, nae the nicht," answered Thomas. "I'm like ane under the auld law that had been buryin' the deid. I hae been doin' necessar' but foul wark, and I'm defiled in consequence. I'm no in a richt speerit to pray in public. I maun awa' hame to my prayers. I houp I mayna do something mysel' afore lang that'll mak' it necessar' for ye to dismiss me neist.

Oh! sirs! but I canna get on ava" Here Janet sorted her wheel, and apparently shed a tear, for she moved her apron corner to her eye. "Aweel, this was the nicht o' the wedding, bairn no this nicht, like; but I think I just see it present, for I was there mysel, a wee bit whilking lassie.

I'll be better workin' wi' my han's nor wi' my heid whan I hae nae houp left o' ever seein' yer face again. I winna lowse a day aboot it. Gien I lowse time I may lowse my rizon. Hae patience wi' me ae meenute, mem; I'm jist driven to tell ye the trowth. It's mony a lang sin' I hae kent mysel' wantin' you. Ye're the boady, an' I'm the shaidow.

'God bless you! said Mr. Hale, starting up; then, calming down, he said breathlessly, 'What do you mean? Tell me out. 'I have telled yo', said Higgins, a little surprised at Mr. Hale's agitation. 'I would na ask for work for mysel'; but them's left as a charge on me. I reckon, I would ha guided Boucher to a better end; but I set him off o' th' road, and so I mun answer for him. Mr.

"It's a nice room, this is; a gude fire-place and an open bed, and you can pack awa a' those books and pictur's they dinna look like vera improving ones and I'll put my kist i' that corner, and just mak' mysel' quite comfortable." "But you canna hae this room, Aunt Janet. Neither I, nor you, hae the right to put oor foot inside it.

For that lassie Charlotte Anderson is going on a shame to be seen. Actually she is never off our doorstep fleeing and rinning all hours of the day. At first I thought to mysel', it was to hear news of you. "But, for your comfort, if ye are so far left to yourself as to take comfort in the like and the bigger fool you it is no the lads after all. It's just Irma Maitland!

I think mysel' that Dobson will be the first to get out, but he'll have his work letting out the others. Now, I'm for flittin' to the old Tower. They'll no ken where we are for a long time, and anyway yon place will be far easier to defend. Without they kindle a fire and smoke us out, I don't see how they'll beat us. Our provisions are a' there, and there's a grand well o' water inside.

"I would like to see her, if she's well enough," said Mr. McGillivray. "Weel, sir, I wouldna' like to say she's nae fit to see a veesitor but ye ken, sir " "You mean she's not well enough to see me." "Weel, it's this wye, Mr. McGillivray," answered Adam, lowering his voice; "I'm nae ohjectin' mysel', sin she askit me to let ye come; but the ithers is awfu' set again' it.

But ye're a kin' o' a guairdian till her�-arena ye?" "Ow! ay. I hae made mysel' that in a way; but Bruce wad aye be luikit upon as the proper guairdian." "Hae ye ony haud upo' the siller?" "I gart him sign a lawyer's paper aboot it." "Weel, ye jist gang and demand the Bible, alang wi' the lave o' Annie's property. The like o' him's as fleyt at a lawyer as cats at cauld water.

An' they say he picked two off as made for t' come near, and then, just as he were stooping for t' whaling knife, an' it's as big as a sickle 'Teach folk as don't know a whaling knife, cried Daniel. 'I were a Greenland-man mysel'.