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"I never thought sich a beautiful thing could be on airth," said Aunt Polly Day, one of the eldest of the town's people, to Dawn, the first time that she met her after the "home" was established. "Seems as though the angels had a hand in't, child, and only ter think, you're at the head o'nt. Why, I remember the night, or it was e'en-a-most day though, that you was born.

"Troth, ye may swear that, Monkbarns: when it was mine it neer had abune the like o' saxpenny worth o' black rappee in't at ance. But I reckon ye'll be gaun to mak an antic o't, as ye hae dune wi' mony an orra thing besides.

"Have you heard the news?" he murmured, with a watchful glimmer in his eyes. "No!" cried Wilson, glowering, eager and alert. "Is't ocht in the business line? Is there a possibeelity for me in't?" "Oh, there might," nodded Gibson, playing his man for a while. "Ay, man!" cried Wilson briskly, and brought his chair an inch or two forward. Gibson grinned and watched him with his beady eyes.

"My dear," says I, "a play's one thing, real life's another; and believe me, as far as my experience goes of real life, the less heroics there are in it the better parts are those for the actors in't." She shook her head fiercely in the wind, and, turning about with a brusque vigour, cries, "Come on. I'll have no accommodation.

Manners nor Miss Dorothy knew aught of this state of affairs. "Mr. Richard," he said earnestly, as he bade me good-by, "I kennt Mr. Manners's mind when he lea'd here. There was a laird in't, sir, an' a fortune. An' unless these come soon, I'm thinking I can spae th' en'." In truth, a much greater fool than McAndrews might have predicted that end.

Turn the lookin'-gless roond this wey a bittie on the dresser there, an I'll notice in't if onybody comes into the shop, an' tell them to hover a blink till ye rin yont to Mary's. Rin noo, Sandy, an' speer at Mary if she has coals an' sticks, an' tell her to keep on a gude fire. Puir cratur!"

Says I to Rachel one day, when we was by ourselves, `Thy mother-in-law's religion has more of the "drive" nor the "draw" in't. The poor thing sighed. I saw there were summat wrong; but I didn't find it out then." "Ah," interrupted Jacob, "it were the drink, of course. That's at the bottom of almost all the crime and wickedness." "You're right, my lad," continued the other, with a deep sigh.

It was jest bus'nis: I wa'n't takin' no chances, an' I s'pose I might let the thing run a spell longer if I c'd see any use in't. But the' ain't, an' so I ast ye to come up this mornin' so 't we c'd settle the thing up without no fuss, nor trouble, nor lawyer's fees, nor nothin'. I've got the papers all drawed, an' John Mr. Lenox here to take the acknowlidgments.

A book which helps one to forget the idle or venomous chatter going on everywhere about us, and bids us cherish hope for a world "which has such people in't." These volumes I had at hand; I could reach them down from my shelves at the moment when I hungered for them.

To sin, and stand in't, is the highest evil; This makes a man most like unto the devil; This bids defiance unto God and grace; This man resists him spitteth in his face, Scorns at his justice, mocketh at his power, Tempts him, provokes him, grieves him every hour: When he ariseth, he will recompense This sturdy rebel for his impenitence: Be not incorrigible then, come back again, There's hope, beg mercy while life doth remain.