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"We want a resurrectioner 'at bides i' this hoose a foul bane-pikin' doctor," answered a huge, black-faced smith. "What do ye want wi' him?" "What are ye stan'in' jawin' there for? Haud oot o' the gait. Gin he bena in your box, what's the odds o' oor luikin' in't?"

"Ye hev yir share in't tae, lass; we've hed mony a hard nicht and day thegither, an' yon wes oor reward. No mony men in this warld 'ill ever get a better, for it cam frae the hert o' honest fouk." Drumtochty had a vivid recollection of the winter when Dr. MacLure was laid up for two months with a broken leg, and the Glen was dependent on the dubious ministrations of the Kildrummie doctor. Mrs.

"Well, mayhap it be all right," said Will somewhat mollified, "but you go no more, young master." "No, Will; I will not ask it of thee. I have both seen and spoken with the lady. What more need I?" "No more, I'll be bound, master," growled Will. "There was more in't than seeing and speaking, I'll warrant. But I ken none of it. Here we are at Stafford, master."

"If your mother goes, let her go by herself," said he; "for I'll not interfere in't if she does. I'll take the dirty Bodagh and his fat wife my own way, which I can't do if Honor comes to be enibbin' and makin' little o' me afore them. Maybe I'll pull down their pride for them better than you think, and in a way they're not prepared for; them an' their janting car!"

I that is as muckle as to say, search and ye'll find number twa. Besides, yon kist is only silver, and I aye heard that' Misticot's pose had muckle yellow gowd in't." "Den, mine goot friends," said the adept, jumping up hastily, "why do we not set about our little job directly?"

He made the warld and a' that's in't; and maybe He will gie unto this puir wee thing a meek spirit to bear ill-luck. Ane must wark, anither suffer. As the minister says, It'll a' come richt at last." Still the babe slept on, the sun sank, and night fell upon the earth.

"Naw," laughed Ben, nudging Jake in the ribs with his bare elbow, "only I thought as how he might be dead." Then he whispered to Brewer, "Wait till I get at him." "Dead dead, who said as how he air dead? Ye in't been a rubberin' in his hole, have ye, Ben Letts?" Ben only laughed in reply.

We'd no kitchen range i' yon days, but a gert oppen fireplace, wheer thou could look up the chimley and see the stars shining of a frosty neet." "But doesn't a peat fire give off a terrible lot of ash?" I asked. "Aye, it does that," she replied, "but we used to like the ash; we could roast taties in't, and many's the time we've sat i' the ingle-nook and made our supper o' taties and buttermilk."

Whitaker, is in one sense an author; "a book's a book although there's nothing in't;" and every man who can decipher a penny journal is in one sense a reader.

I received one from her to-day full of the kindest reproaches, that she has not heard from me this three weeks. I have writ constantly to her, but I do not so much wonder that the rest are lost, as that she seems not to have received that which I sent to you nor the books. I do not understand it, but I know there is no fault of yours in't.