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And if it be, what is become of the £2500 lady? Would you think it, that I have an ambassador from the Emperor Justinian, that comes to renew the treaty? In earnest, 'tis true, and I want your counsel extremely, what to do in it. You told me once that of all my servants you liked him the best. If I could do so too, there were no dispute in't.

The conflagration of the French Revolution was indeed not extinguished, but it was evidently burning out; and their old reverence for the Grand Monarque was beginning to revive among them, though they only called him a consul. Upon the king's fast I preached on this subject; and when the peace was concluded, I got great credit for my foresight, but there was no merit in't.

Ay, if there were no more in't than Exercise; if a Man cou'd take a Breathing without breathing a Vein but, Sham, this Wounds, and Blood, sounds terribly in my Ears; but since thou say'st 'tis nothing, prithee do thou meet Bellmour in my stead; thou art a poor Dog, and 'tis no matter if the World were well rid of thee. Sham. I wou'd do't with all my Soul but your Honour, Sir Sir Tim. My Honour!

It also authorised the construction and maintenance, as part of such railways, of any pier, quay or jetty. Concerning its clauses, from the time they were first drafted, many a talk we had together over a cup of tea with, to use his own expression, "a wee drappie in't." I may have hinted as much, but do not think I have mentioned before that he was a Scotchman and a Highlander.

The Hieland lairds are pitting their best fit foremost. Will ye apply for shares?" "I think I'll tak' twa hundred. Wha's Sir Polloxfen Tremens?" "He'll be yin o' the Ayrshire folk. He used to rin horses at the Paisley races." "D'ye ken ony o' the directors, Jimsy?" "I ken Sawley fine. Ye may depend on't, it's a gude thing if he's in't, for he's a howkin' body." "Then it's sure to gae up.

"As sure as death I never kent you was here. I was up the Roods on my rounds when I heard an awfu' din down in the square, and thinks I, there's rough characters about, and the place for honest folk is their bed. So to my bed I gaed, and I was in't when your men gripped me." "We must see into this before we leave. In the meantime you will act as a guide to my searchers. Stop!

"Troth, ye may swear that, Monkbarns: when it was mine it neer had abune the like o' saxpenny worth o' black rappee in't at ance. But I reckon ye'll be gaun to mak an antic o't, as ye hae dune wi' mony an orra thing besides.

But I want you to go back an' say to 'Lish Harum that you've seen me, an' that I told you that not one cent of my money nor one mossel o' my food would ever go to keep him alive one minute of time; that if I had an empty hogpen I wouldn't let him sleep in't overnight, much less to bunk in with a decent hog.

'Wa'al, he says fin'ly, 'I don't want to lay down no law fer you, an' if you don't see no harm in't, I guess the' ain't nuthin' to prevent ye. So I got down an' started fer the barn, an' he, he, he! when I'd got about a rod he hollered after me, 'He's in the end stall, he says.

Oak is head man still, isn't he?" "Yes, 'a b'lieve. And at Little Weatherbury Farm too. He manages everything." "Twill puzzle him to manage her, or any other man of his compass!" "I don't know about that. She can't do without him, and knowing it well he's pretty independent. And she've a few soft corners to her mind, though I've never been able to get into one, the devil's in't!"